Author: Jiyuan Hu, Xingsheng Wei
- Use MATLAB to build a physics simulator from scratch by creating mass and spring elements, velocity proportional damping and friction law.
- Use evolutionary algorithm (EA) to evolve a soft robot that "walks" as fast as possible along x-axis. (For practice purpose the algorithm is written without using EA related libraries).
- Matlab code, requires Parallel Computing Toolbox.
The main script to run evolution.
Run the simulation of the best saved genome and output a video.
A class of mass that can be connected to spring with dynamics.
A class of spring that can be connected to masses with dynamics.
A class of soft robot that assembled with masses and springs, which can execute dynamics by time steps.
A class of simulation that makes simulation environments with default parameters, which can step the robot and evaluate the speed on X direction.
A class of renderer that renders soft robot to images and videos.
A class that contains a population of genomes that can perform crossover, mutation, sorting and plotting fitness curve.
Test script that tests critical functions. (To be updated)