Get Pact is a helper for to get you started
You can run it directly from the Interwebs
curl -Lso - | bash -s -- help
The source is here
I set it up like the following in my .zshrc
alias getpact_run="curl -Lso - | bash -s -- help"
alias getpact_dl="curl -Ls -o"
getpact () {
$getpact_location ${first_arg:-'help'} $@
Get Pact
Available Commands
getpact help
getpact broker
getpact broker list
getpact broker deploy <tenant_name> <port>
getpact broker stop <tenant_name>
getpact broker remove <tenant_name>
getpact broker backup <tenant_name>
getpact broker restore <tenant_name>
getpact broker restore <tenant_name>
getpact doctor
getpact doctor-env
getpact install-cli
getpact install-cli ruby
getpact install-cli docker
getpact install-cli standalone
Pact Broker SafS is a Pact contract file middleware service that supports multi-tenancy.
I would recommend Pactflow if you are looking for a secure Hosted SaaS platform, this offers a really neat way to spin up and backup local brokers for testing purposes.
This is NOT suitable for production, and doesn't offer enterprise grade features such as OAuth login mechanisms.
With thanks to the original author
Physical multi-tenancy is achieved through container isolation. Pull up PactBroker and dependent postgresql database services for each tenant through docker-compose, and the services of each tenant are distinguished by ports.
When selecting a port number for a new tenant, it should avoid conflict with the existing port number. You can docker ps | grep pact_broker
view the occupied port number by running commands.
Add tenant run command
getpact deploy <tenant_name> <tenant_port>
For example, for a new tenant named tenant serving on port 12999, run the following command:
getpact deploy tenant 12999
The corresponding pact_broker container and pact_db container can be created, and the service can be accessed through port 12999.
Stop the tenant containers (including the two containers pact_broker and pact_db) and run the command:
getpact stop <tenant_name>
For example, to stop the tenant's container, run the following command:
getpact stop tenant
Delete the stopped tenant containers (including the two containers pact_broker and pact_db), delete the data volume, and run the command:
getpact remove <tenant_name>
For example, to delete the container and data volume of the tenant, run the following command:
getpact remove tenant
Back up the tenant data to a file in the current folder <tenant_name>-data.tar
, run the command:
getpact backup <tenant_name>
For example, to back up the tenant's data, run the following command:
getpact backup tenant
The tenant's database data will be backed up to files in the current folder tenant-data.tar
First prepare the data source file in the current directory, the file name must be in the <tenant_name>-data.tar
form, run the command:
getpact restore <tenant_name>
For example, to restore the tenant's data, run the following command:
getpact restore tenant
The tenant data will be restored from the files in the current folder tenant-data.tar
, and the postgresql container will be restarted (due to the mechanism of postgresql itself, the container must be restarted to read the restored data).