This is the implementation of DRL-Router on Python 3, Numpy, and Networkx. DRL-Router is a distributional reinforcement learning method for the RSP problem.
Python 3.7, numpy, cvxopt, scipy, networkx and other common packages.
step 1: Create a Map, then extract transaction data or make a data by yourself. For some transaction data without the sigma of link travel time, you can generate them through the funtions in, you can find the method you want in or you can make your own method to generate sigma of link travel time;
step 2: Create a Xtate based on the Map that is created on step 1;
step 3: Create a Agent of DRL-Router based on the Xtate that is created on step 2;
step 4: Configure the parameter of the Agent that is created on step 3, where K(number of samples), lr_rate(learning rate), v_min(range of distribution) and termination parameters are necessary;
step 5: We need use dijkstra to pretrain the Agent, which is a warm start for DRL-Router. We suggest turning on the dynamic learning rate(dynamic_lr = 1) during pre-training and running 1000 episodes;
step 6: Start the training of the Agent, we need to set the training parameters num_iterations, obj(define RSP problem) and parameter(different parameter for different RSP problem). When the training is finished, we got a Policy. The more training times, the more accurate the Policy results will be.
The following is an example for how to configure a DRL-Router:
import DRL_C51
import func
Map_Name = "SiouxFalls"
Map_id = {"SiouxFalls": 0,
"Anaheim": 2,
"Winnipeg": 3,
"Barcelona": 4}
Map_1 = func.Map()
Map_1.G = func.convert_map2graph(Map_1)
X = DRL_C51.Xtates(Map_1, num_atoms=51)
agent = DRL_C51.DRL_Agent(X, Map, 15)
agent.update_V(-200, 0)
agent.dynamic_lr = 1
agent.lr_rate = 0.01
agent.K = 5
agent.dynamic_lr = 0
agent.lr_rate = 0.1
agent.train_IS(2000, parameter=40, obj="mean-std")
print("-----------shortest path-------------")
agent.find_shortest_path(1, True)
print("--------------C51 path---------------")
agent.find_path(1, 40, "mean-std", True)