A web app based on google app script for group buying.
根據google script建立的團購網站
- Google app script
- Google Firebase Realtime Database
If you are interested the font-end page only. Here is the codepen link.
本專案的css,html皆由sass,pug模板語言生成. 若想查看原始碼請移至codepen
- Create a Firebase realtime database here
建立一個Firebase realtime database 這裡 - Click the gear next to the "Project Overview" >> project setting
點擊"Project Overview"旁的齒輪 >> 專案設定
- Click service account >> database private key >> get the "firebaseID", "firebaseKey"
點擊服務帳戶 >> 資料庫秘鑰 >> 獲得 "firebaseID", "firebaseKey" - Clone the google app script project here
- Deploy this project once for the rootUrl. select deploy and deploy as web app.
必須部署本專案一次來獲得rootUrl. 點擊發佈 >> 部署為網路應用程式
- Select "anonymous" at applictation access and click "deploy"
在具有應用程式存取權的使用者中,選取任何人甚至匿名使用者. 並點擊"部署"
- Now, we have the rootUrl.
- Change the following 3 parameters in "程式碼.gs" file : rootUrl, firebaseID, firebaseKey
修改在"程式碼.gs"檔案中的三個參數: rootUrl, firebaseID, firebaseKey
- Deploy this project again!