This project looks at datasets to study the overall effect of COVID-19 in Europe in 2020.
The goal is to visualize the death count, admission, and vaccination count per country in Europe. The project also attempts to find the link between confirmed cases and COVID-19 vaccines.
Data is ingested from 2 sources:
- ECDC website to extract: Confirmed cases, Mortality, Hospitalization/ICU cases, Testing numbers
- Eurostat website to extract Population by age
We started by reading the data from the website itself. However, due to the new permission barrier, the course instructor created a GitHub repo for the datasets:
AZURE Subscription
Data Factory
Blob Storage
Data Lake Storage GEN 2
AZURE SQL Database
AZURE Databricks
HD Insight cluster
The population data is ingested as a .tsv.gz file and stored in a blob storage.
Create a Linked Service To Azure Blob Storage
Create a Source Data Set
Create a Linked Service To Azure Data Lake storage (GEN2)
Create a Sink Data set
Create a Pipeline:
Execute Copy activity when the file becomes available
Check metadata counts before loading the data using the IF Condition
Load Data into our destination
The confirmed cases, Mortality, Hospitalization/ICU cases, and Testing numbers data are read from the GitHub repo.
The files ingested are as follows:
Case & Deaths Data.csv
Hospital Admission Data.csv
Create a Linked Service using an HTTP connector
Create a Source Data Set
Create a Linked Service To Azure Data Lake storage (GEN2)
Create a Sink Data set
Create a Pipeline With Parameters & Variables
Lookup to get all the parameters from the JSON file, then pass it to ForEach ECDC DATA as shown below
Schedule Trigger
ADF dataflows were used to transform the Cases and Deaths data as well as the hospital admissions data, Databricks was used to transform the Population data.
The Data Flows transformations used are:
- Select transformation
- Lookup transformation
- Filter Transformation
- Join transformation
- Sort Transformation
- Conditional split transformation
- Derived columns transformation
- Sink transformation
Steps :
Cases And Deaths Source (Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 )
Filter Europe-Only Data
Select only the required columns
PivotCounts using indicator Columns(confirmed cases, deaths) and get the sum of daily cases count
Lookup Country to get country_code_2_digit,country_code_3_digit columns
Select Only the required columns for the Sink
Create a Sink dataset (Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2)
Used Schedule Trigger
- Hospital Admissions Source (Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 )
- Select only the required columns
- Lookup Country to get country_code_2_digit,country_code_3_digit columns
- Select only the required columns
- Condition Split Weekly, Daily Split condition
- indicator=='Weekly new hospital admissions per 100k' || indicator=='Weekly new ICU admissions per 100k'
- indicator== "Daily hospital occupancy" || indicator=="Daily ICU occupancy"
- For Weekly Path
- Join with Date to get ecdc_Year_week, week_start_date, week_End_date
- Pivot Counts using indicator Columns(confirmed cases, deaths) and get the sum of daily cases count
- Sort data using reported_year_week ASC and Country DESC
- Select only the required columns for the sink
- Create a sink dataset (Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2)
- Schedule Trigger
- For Daily Path
- Pivot Counts using indicator Columns(confirmed cases, deaths) and get the sum of daily cases count
- Sort Data using reported_year_week ASC and Country DESC
- Select only the required columns for the sink
- Create a sink dataset (Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2)
- Used Schedule Trigger
The link to the dashboard can be found here:
- Applied knowledge about ingesting files from HTTPS and locally
- Understood the difference between Data Warehouse and Data Lake
- Learnt how to write scripts in Python to mount storage and perform transformations using Dataframes.
- Learnt how to create tables in SQL as well as populate them in ADF