Our NEOS Chemistry Simulator app offers a comprehensive platform for simulating chemical systems and visualizing their behavior. The application is based on C++ with Raylib, including some 3D models. With the NEOS Chemistry Simulator, users can explore different scenarios & gain a better understanding of how chemistry works.
You can download our project by using the green "Code" button.
Or by pasting the following code in your CMD:
git clone https://github.com/SYSolakov20/onsens.git
- Zhanet Petkova - Scrum trainer
- Simeon Boev - Back-end developer
- David Donchev - Back-end developer
- Zhivko Spasov - Front-end developer
- Soner Solakov - Designer & Front-end developer
You can access our website by pasting this link into your browser.
To run the website on your local device follow these steps:
git clone https://github.com/ZYPetkova20/Neos.git
Navigate to the proper directory
cd src
cd neos.web
cd src
Install node packages
npm install
Run on local surver
npm run dev
You can access our program by:
- Downloading it from our site link to site
- Downloading it from github release
- Or you can run the code on your local device by these steps:
Open cmd and clone our repo by typing:
git clone https://github.com/ZYPetkova20/Neos.git
Then navigate to our solution file and open it with VS2022, on platform and debugger select:
then debug the project, run it and enjoy our app!