Welcome to QuizLab, a simple desktop quiz application in java.
This application gives a simple quiz for the user and manage user's information and score.
Firstly, the user sign in or sign up. Then, the user can start the game.
The data is stored in sqlite3 database
, to make adding users or changing questions easy for the code owner.
Also, the application is built using java fx. It is easy and intuitive to use. We used Gulon scene builder to build the UI.
To use this code please run:
$ mvn javafx:run --file pom.xml
- After running the application you will find a welcome page:
- Then you will need either to sign in or to sign up:
- After identification you can demande help:
- Now you can start a play:
- After That you can demande help again:
- Also, you can update your information:
To run provided tests successfully I recommand to use the provided database:
Otherwise, you can update your own tests data.
⚓ Please refer to the github repo QuizLab for the console version.