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React Micro Frontend within React / CFML / ASP Containers

This project is a proof of concept showcasing the Micro Frontend concept through React. For CSS, this is using Tailwind CSS.

The container-react serves as the shell React application, consuming micro frontends from the microapps folder.

Webpack Module Federation is utilized for exposing and consuming remote applications.

Additionally, there's a configuration to export microapps artifacts in JSON format, enabling consumption by server-side rendered web applications like ColdFusion, Lucee, ASP.Net, JSP etc. To render the microapps, the {{microapp}}.json file is read in the existing page, loading JS/CSS artifacts using the JSON.

How to run the apps?

  1. Go to the microapps folder: > cd microapps
  2. Run: > npm run start
  3. Go the the container-react folder: > cd ../container-react
  4. Run: _> npm run

How to build the microapps for server side web application?

  1. Go to the microapps folder: > cd microapps
  2. Run: > npm run build:{{microapp}}:json
  3. Go to the microapps/dist/{{microapp}} folder and you can find all the artifacts for the microapp.
  4. Read the {{microapp}}.json file inside your cfml/asp/jsp pages and load all the JS/CSS files.
  5. Make sure that you have the root element for the microapp in the document for the app to load.