A beautiful but functional desktop configuration which also serves as 'agenda notebook'.
This project serves two goals:
* Provide a simple method to recreate this configuration on any new computer I use frequently.
* Share my dotfiles online.
I have used the following applications:
`conky , cmus , python3 , git`
Additionally ,
is also used for generating colorschemes but I have not included it in the repository.
It's use is trivial - Namely, generate a colorscheme from wallpaper.png, apply it to terminals,
add one line to .bashrc and add one line to session-startup.
Installing all dependencies is easy. They are commonly used packages and are in Ubuntu's repository as well.
For *buntu ( >=16.04):
sudo apt-get install conky cmus python3 git pywal
Once, you installed the dependencies.
Go to your home directory by:
cd ~
Clone this repository by:
git clone https://github.com/abhishekkumar2718/conky_conf.git
Check if there is a folder called ".conky" in your home directory. If there is , delete it:
rm -rf ~/.conky
Run setup.sh as
source ~/conky_conf/setup.sh
If the month is not December of 2017, run gen_cal.py as well:
python3 ~/.conky/gen_cal.py
A) wal:
Run wal as:
wal -i -t ~/.conky/wallpaper.png
To apply colorscheme to any new terminal you open, add the following line to your terminal resource file:
(wal -r -t &)
To make colorscheme persist over boots, add the following command to your startup file:
wal -R
B) cmus: If you use any music player other than cmus, edit music_info.sh as per your requirement.
C) Network Interface: Change network interface names "enp4s8", "enp0s29f7u5" in info.rc as per your requirement.
To run the configuration at any time:
`source ~/bin/conky_start`
To edit 'Todo list' and 'Events', fire up your favourite text editor and edit files "~/.conky/todo.txt" and "~/.conky/events.txt"