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SGI 2023/2024

Group T03G07

Name Number E-Mail
Abílio Epalanga 202300492
Luís Miranda 201306340
Marcelo Apolinário 201603903

Project information

  • This project contains a 3D racing game developed in JavaScript, using THREE.js. The game allows the player to pick a racing car, as well as an opponent's (controlled by the computer) vehicle and difficulty, and then match against it in a race. The track is representative of the Portimão Race Track (thus the game name) and features multiple power-ups and obstacles that will give the game an extra layer of fun and randomness. There are many other features included. Multiple statistics are tracked throughout the race, such as time, lap number, speed, etc and displayed in a 3D object in the middle of the track, to provided some sense of realism.
  • The scene, as mentioned before, represents the Portimão Race Track and consists of an asphalt track, with green grass on its sides, aswell as a blue sky. There is also an outdoor display to show the current ingame stats, and 2 parks where the player can pick both vehicles. There is also many objects on the track such as power-ups and obstacles, and the finish line.


  • We implemented every feature that was asked of us for this project, with the exception of spritesheets for text display, the addition of new obstacles after a powerup is collided with, a secondary outdoor display with a shader applied to a static image to give it "height", and the fireworks exploding after reaching their destination position.
  • We would also would've liked to further embelish the scene, however with the time that we had available, we decided it was a bigger priority to focus on the key features to have a functional and interesting game.


1. Main Menu

Main Menu

2. Car Selection

Car Selection

3. Track


4. Power-ups


5. Obstacles


6. Tracker Board

Tracker Board

7. Scoreboard



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