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Here we give an algorithm to determine Shintani domains for non-totally complex number fields from the signed fundamental domains given in the works of Diaz y Diaz, Espinoza and Friedman. We also present some explicit examples of Shintani domains.


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Computing Shintani fundamental domains

Here we give an algorithm (in Pari/GP) to obtain a TRUE fundamental domain from a SIGNED fundamental domain for the action of the totally positive units group of a NON-TOTALLY COMPLEX NUMBER FIELD. We also present some examples of Shintani domains in the folder Examples. This implementation is based in the manuscript:


by A. CAPUÑAY, International Journal of Number Theory, Vol. 20, No. 02, pp. 393-411 (2024).

The SIGNED domains were established in the works of Diaz y Diaz, Espinoza and Friedman:

[DDF14] F. Diaz y Diaz and E. Friedman, "Signed fundamental domain for totally real number fields" (2014)

[EF20] M. Espinoza and E. Friedman, "Twisters and Signed fundamental domains of number fields" (2020)

Our implementation is also based in the description of rational cones by inequalities (or H-representation) and
generators (or V-representation). For this we use the Fukuda-Prodon's paper:

[FP96] Fukuda and Prodon, "Double description method revisited" (1996)


  1. In the file we implement the signed domains given in [DDF14] (for totally real fields) and [EF20] (for non-totally complex fields). Which can be read in Pari/GP using the command

  2. Using, we give in the file our main algorithm to find a true fundamental domain from a signed one. This can be read using


So given as input an irreducible polynomial p (which defines a non-totally complex number field), the command in Pari/GP


return a Shintani fundamental domain with the following structure:


The first entry $F_1$ (i.e., $F[1]$) has the form

$$[t, p, reg, disc, [r_1, r_2], U, T]$$


$t =$ real computation time for $F$ in milliseconds (this depends on the number of negative cones in a signed domain and also on the type of processor used)

$p =$ irreducible polynomial defining a non-totally complex number field $k := \text{the quotient ring }\mathbb{Q}[X]/(p)$ of degree $n$

$reg =$ Regulator of $k$ to $19$ decimals

$disc =$ Discriminant of $k$

$[r_1, r_2]=[\text{Number of real places}, \text{Number of complex places}]$ signature of $k$, so $n=r_1+2r_2$

$U =$ fundamental units of $k$. The Shintani domain corresponds to the action on $(\mathbb{R}_{+})^{r_1}\times(\mathbb{C}^{\ast})^{r_2}$ of the group generated by $U$ (for $r_1>0$ and rank of units $r=r_1+r_2-1>0$). The units in $U$, like all other elements of $k$, is given as a polynomial $g$ in $\mathbb{Q}[X]$ of degree at most $n$. The associated element of $k$ is the class of $g$ in $\mathbb{Q}[X]/(p)$

$T =$ number of semi-closed $n$-dimensional cones in the Shintani domain constructed.

The second entry $F_2$ (i.e., $F[2]$) has the form


which is a list of the $T$ (semi-closed n-dimensional) cones in the Shintani domain. Here $T=F[1][7]$ is the last entry of $F_1$ described above. Each cone $C_j$ is given by $m$ linear inequalities ($m$ depending on the cone) giving $m$ closed or open half-spaces whose intersection is $C_j$. Thus, each $C_j$ has the form


where $v_i=[w,1]$ or $[w,-1]$ and $w$ is an element of $k$ (depending on $i$ and $j$). If $w$ is followed by $1$, then the corresponding (closed) half-space is the set of elements $x$ of $\mathbb{R}^n$ with $\text{Trace}(xw)\geq 0$. If $w$ is followed by $-1$, then the corresponding (open) half-space is given by $\text{Trace}(xw)>0$. Here Trace is the extension to $\mathbb{R}^n$ of the trace map from $k$ to $\mathbb{Q}$.

The third entry $F_3$ of $F$ (i.e., $F[3]$) has the form


where $CC_j$ is the closure in $\mathbb{R}^n$ of the cone $C_j$ in $F_2$. Each closed cone $CC_j$ is given here by a list of generators in $k$.

  1. In the folder Examples we show several examples of explicit Shintani domains obtained using the fudom(p) command described in item 2. Here there exists 9 subfolders










Each of these folders $S[n,r]$ respectively contain fundamental domains of some number fields of degree $n$ for $n=2,3,4,5,6$ with rank of units $r=r_1+r_2-1$ for $r=1,2,3,4,5$ such that $r_1>0$.

Each folder $S[n,r]$ contains three files, which we denote here, ShintaniKnr.txt and ShintaniKnr-ML.sage (Note the suffix $nr$ in the names of these files, where $nr$ means $[n,r]$. For example, if $[n,r]=[5,3]$ then the folder $S[5,3]$ contains the files:, ShintaniK53.txt and ShintaniK53-ML.sage)


  • The file contains a data of fields used to obtains Shintani domains which was download from

  • The file ShintaniKnr.txt contains a data of explicit Shitani domains which can be read by Pari/GP using the command

    \r ShintaniKnr.txt

    This returns a vector called $examples=[E_1,E_2,...,E_g]$, where each $E_i=fudom(p)$ is a vector of size three which was described in item 2 with $p$ an irreducible polynomial of degree $n$ which defines a non-totally complex number field $k$ with rank of units $r$.

  • The file ShintaniKnr-ML.sage can be read by SageMath using the command


this returns the same list of examples as the file ShintaniKnr.txt with the same structure.


(1) After uploading files and, the command (Pari/GP)


returns a file with a list of examples of the calculated Shintani domains, where L=vector of irreducible polynomials of degree $n$ (using $r_1>0$ and rank $r=r_1+r_2-1>0$).

(2) The fundamental domains in the folder $S[2,1]$ correspond to totally real quadratic fields which are widely known by number theorists. See for example Borevich-Shafarevich's Book "Number theory" (Chapter 5, Section 1.2).

(3) And the folder $S[3,2]$ which correspond to Shintani domains for totally real cubic fields are also known, see for example Diaz y Diaz and Friedman's work: Real Cubic Shintani

(4) On the other hand, the folder $S[3,1]$ contains Shintani domains for complex cubic number fields, this is consistent with a recently published work: Complex Cubic Shintani

(5) The remaining files: $S[4,2]$, $S[4,3]$, $S[5,2]$, $S[5,3]$, $S[5,4]$ and $S[6,5]$ contains Shintani domains (for a list of polynomials given) of non-totally complex quartic, quintic and sextic fields.

(6) The main bottleneck is that the number of cones on a Signed Domain grows (this is $3^{r_2}(n-1)!$ cones) when $n$ grows. This number of cones is the input in our main algorithm to obtain a Shintani domain, so our implementation works well when $n\leq 5$ and sometimes in sextic fields $n=6$ when the negative cones in a Signed domains is small. However, it is possible trying to compute Shintani domains of (non-totally complex) number fields for $degree>6$ if you are using a good processor.


Here we give an algorithm to determine Shintani domains for non-totally complex number fields from the signed fundamental domains given in the works of Diaz y Diaz, Espinoza and Friedman. We also present some explicit examples of Shintani domains.








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