The reason why I develop this, is because i did not find proper documentation on how to integrate this services for kafka.
This project includes the following:
- Zookeeper
- Kafka Brokers (2)
- Postgresql
- Schema-Registry
- Ksql Server
- Kafka Connect
- Grafana
- JMX Prometheus Exporter (2)
The brokers are using SASL_PLAINTEXT externally and PLAINTEXT locally
How to run
docker-compose up -d
Get current data from kafka
docker run -it --network=host edenhill/kcat:1.7.1 -b localhost:9092 -X security.protocol=SASL_PLAINTEXT -X sasl.mechanism=PLAIN -X sasl.username=admin -X sasl.password=admin-secret -L
- Metrics with Prometheus: