go get github.com/agclqq/goencryption
Supports symmetric encryption and asymmetric encryption algorithms.
- aes
- des
- 3des
- rsa
generic methods
EasyEncrypt(easyType, plaintext, key, iv)
EasyDecrypt(easyType, ciphertext, key, iv)
The parameter easyType should have a format like this:cryptoType/mode/padding
or cryptoType/mode/padding/transcode
Note: Do not use AES and PKCS5 together. The block size of AES is 16, and the complement length needs to be 16, while the length of PKCS5 is 8. For example:
EasyEncrypt("des/CFB/Pkcs7/Base64", plaintext, key, iv)
EasyDecrypt("des/CFB/Pkcs7/Base64", ciphertext, key, iv)
EasyEncrypt("aes/CTR/Pkcs7", plaintext, key, iv)
EasyDecrypt("aes/CTR/Pkcs7", ciphertext, key, iv)
EasyEncrypt("3des/ECB/Pkcs5/Hex", plaintext, key, iv)
EasyDecrypt("3des/ECB/Pkcs5/Hex", ciphertext, key, iv)
The core approach to implementation is Encrypt() and Decrypt(). All other methods are facade.
- noPadding: The data must be must be an integer multiple of the block
- zeorPadding: It's going to fill in with zeros. If the original data ends in 0, there is a problem.
- pkcs5Padding: The complement length is 8, which can be problematic in some cases
- pkcs7Padding: Pkcs5Padding superset.Complement length is dynamic.
Generate both private and public keys
Only the private key is generated
Generate a public key from a private key
Public key encryption private key decryption
PubKeyEncrypt(pubKey, plainText)
PrvKeyDecrypt(prvKey, cipherText)
Private key signature, public key verification signature
PrvKeySign(prvKey, plainText, hash)
PubKeyVerifySign(pubKey, plainText, sign, hash)