"Swift" and "Lift" imply quick and efficient transportation, indicating a commitment to providing timely and reliable rides.
Creating a simplified Uber-like system as a case study to apply what I've learned over the years and what I'm about to learn.
- Recreate a distributed system.
- Implement Event-Driven Microservices Architecture.
- Apply Domain-Driven Design (DDD).
- Use Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS).
- Utilize gRPC for synchronous communication.
- Implement Request-Response Pattern.
- Apply API versioning.
- Use API Gateway / YARP.
- Use InMemory / Service Bus.
- Implement Inbox / Outbox Pattern.
- Use Saga Pattern.
- Implement Circuit Breaker Pattern.
- Ensure Resiliency and Fault Tolerance.
- Implement Central Configuration Management.
- Design Idempotent Event Consumers.
- Handle Eventual Consistency.
- Use both Relational and Non-Relational Databases.
- Enforce Early Validation with Options Settings.
- Secure Endpoints Based on JWT from Multiple Identity Providers.
- Use Quartz for Scheduled Tasks in Background Services.
- Implement Service Discovery.
Use Aspire as a Startup Project Template.
Add .editorconfig Using the Aspire as a Starting Point.
Use Dotnet Tools Locally.
Manage NuGet Package Versions Centrally.
Propagate Correlation ID Across Applications.
Integrate with Application Insight.
- Enable Azure Monitor.
- Add Connection String Environment Checker.
Use Feature Flags to Manage Both Functional and Technical Requirements.
Add Snake JSON Serializer / Deserializer Abstractions.
- And Their Implementations Based on System.Text.Json.
Consider these popular libraries as part of the solution:
- Hashids.net / sqids-dotnet.
- EF Core.
- SignalR.
- FastEndpoints.
- Masstrasit.
- Wolverine as Mediator or MediatR.
- SimpleInjector DI.
- Mapster.
- Marten as Transactional Document DB and Event Store.
- FluentResults.Extensions.AspNetCore.
- StronglyTypedId.
- Refit.
- Polly.
- Lazard as Local Services Bus.
- HeaderPropagation.
For Testing:
- NetArchTest.EnhancedEdition for Architecture Conventions.
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Testing for Integration Testing.
- AutoBogus.Conventions for Fake Data Generation.
- FluentAssertions for Assertion Evaluation.
- NSubstitute for Mocking.
- xUnit as Tests Runner.
- Coverlet and ReportGenerator Tool for Code Coverage and Reporting.
- TestContainer.
- Fine Code Coverage.
- Code Clean Up on Save.
- Github Copilot.