A list of available movies with the ability to view details of the selected movie. User is also able to edit the movies and add new movies
- Node.js
- nodemon
- Create a database named saga_movies_weekend,
- The queries in the database.sql file are set up to create all the necessary tables and populate the needed data to allow the application to run correctly. The project is built on Postgres, so you will need to make sure to have that installed. I recommend using Postico to run those queries as that was used to create the queries,
- Open your editor and run npm install in your terminal - this will install required dependencies.
- run npm run server in your terminal. (Default port is 5000, if port is in use modify server.js port variable.)
- run npm run client in a new terminal - this will launch the app in the browser.
- user will be able to view a list of movies
- upon selecting a movie user will see selected movie details
- user will be able to edit selected movie details
- user will be able to add new movies
Thank you to Chris Black, Prime Digital Academy and the Phrygian cohort for all your help. I want to give a big thank you to my family for the support and understanding while I pursue this new venture.