- a fresh EC2 Ubuntu instance on AWS
- an IAM user/role with Route53, EC2, IAM and S3 full access and attached to the EC2 instance
- a Route53 private hosted zone, following example uses domain "appstacleoulu.fi" on eu-west-3 region
First, root the instnace:
sudo su -
export KOPS_STATE_STORE=s3://dev.k8s.appstacleoulu.fi
chmod +x AWS_k8s.sh
Enter your EC2 instance zone when it is required.
Finally, create kubernetes cluser:
kops update cluster dev.k8s.appstacleoulu.fi --yes
It takes 5-10 min to create the AWS k8s cluster.
To validate your cluster:
kops validate cluster
And to list nodes:
kubectl get nodes
To access the K8s master node:
cd .ssh
ssh -i id_rsa admin@(Public DNS)
To delete the k8s cluster:
export KOPS_STATE_STORE=s3://dev.k8s.appstacleoulu.fi
kops delete cluster dev.k8s.appstacleoulu.fi --yes
- an Azure subscription
- Azure CLI installed to setup the infrastructure.
sudo su -
chmod +x Azure_k8s.sh
If encountered error, run following scripts again:
az aks create --resource-group oulu --name azure --node-count 2 --generate-ssh-keys
az aks install-cli
az aks get-credentials --resource-group oulu --name azure
It takes 5-10 minutes before it creates the cluster node. To list nodes and get cluster info
kubectl get nodes
kubectl cluster-info
chmod +x Hono_deployment.sh
To get Hono services, pods, and endpoints
kubectl get pods,svc,ep -n hono
To describe the pod and get logs. (Note: Replace "..." with your specific pod name.)
kubectl describe pod ... -n hono
kubectl -n hono logs ...