Increse your Haskell development via ghcid!
This allows to open ghcid as the quickfix buffer, by :GhcidQuickfixStart
When you edited a .hs, it reloads automatically!
You can read compile errors/warnings by about 1sec.
- ghcid to your
- Vim 8.0 or later with
clone this repo into $MYVIMRC/pack/haskell/start/
call dein#add('aiya000/vim-ghcid-quickfix')
repo = 'aiya000/vim-ghcid-quickfix'
Auto open QuickFix window upon errors:
let g:ghcid_quickfix = #{
\ showing: 'quickfix_on_error',
\ }
Or 'popup_always' to popup all lines, using Vim's popup window.
let g:ghcid_quickfix = #{
\ showing: 'popup_always',
\ }
Please see :help g:ghcid_quickfix_showing
to more informations.