This repository makes it possible to implement data compression without transformations on the side of the application code. Excellent tool for integration with different data transfer protocols
- Zstd realtime compress algorithm - zstd
go get
import zstdM "zstd-marshal"
type SomeStruct struct {
Field string `json:"Field"`
SecondField string `json:"SecondField"`
We create some struct and set json tag for each because for parse struct we use json marshaling
func EncodeAndDecode() {
someData := SomeStruct{
encodedDataBytes, err := zstdM.Marshal(someData)
if err != nil {
var stForDecode SomeStruct
err = zstdM.Unmarshal(encodedDataBytes, &stForDecode)
if err != nil {
func EncodeAndDecodeWithConcurrency() {
someData := SomeStruct{
encodedDataBytes, err := zstdM.MarshalWithConcurrency(someData, runtime.GOMAXPROCS(-1))
if err != nil {
var stForDecode SomeStruct
err = zstdM.UnmarshalWithConcurrency(encodedDataBytes, &stForDecode, runtime.GOMAXPROCS(-1))
if err != nil {