#Paynova API Python Client
This is an overview of the Paynova API Python Client using Paynova REST API (Aero). More in-depth information can be found in the Wiki.
For Django, see django-paynova package
pip install paynova-api-python-client
Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, PyPy are supported
Create Paynova client:
from paynova_api_python_client import Paynova
client = Paynova('<MERCHANT ID>', '<API Password>')
Call service
response = client.create_order({
'orderNumber': 'order-id-0001',
'currencyCode': 'EUR',
'totalAmount': 10
client = Paynova('<MERCHANT ID>', '<API Password>', live=True)
If Paynova return an error, PaynovaException will be raised
from paynova_api_python_client import PaynovaException
response = client.create_order()
except PaynovaException as e:
# process exception
# e.errorNumber, e.statusKey, e.statusMessage, e.errors
At first make sure that you are in virtualenv.
Install all dependencies:
make setup
To run tests:
make test