Cruisebound - Jorge Backend Engineer Assessment
You must have installed the following tools:
- Java 17 or later needed to build the project
- maven 3.5+ needed to build the project
Before running the project you should create a new PostgreSQL database. You should modify the file with the parameters you used to create the database. The default configuration uses the "sailings" database with the "postgres" user and the "toor" password
- spring.datasource.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/sailings
- spring.datasource.username=postgres
- spring.datasource.password=toor
The Dockerfile will be used to run the Java environment The docker-compose.yml file will be used to specify the configurations The db/ script will create the sailings database automatically
To run the project you should execute the following commands in the root folder of the project "cruisebound":
- mvn clean install -DskipTests
- mvn spring-boot:run
- docker-compose up
To run the tests you should configure the postgres database and execute the following command:
- mvn test
If you want to build the project and run the tests use:
- mvn clean install
You can import the "Assessment - Jorge Diaz.postman_collection.json" file into postman to call the APIs.