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Mick A edited this page Jan 13, 2022 · 5 revisions


Returns more detailed information about user profiles; summaries, bans, friends. For Steam level, badges, games, and playtime, go to IPlayerService

Method Description
GetFriendList Gets the friends of the Steam user, if public.
GetPlayerBans Retrieves ban information on the provided Steam IDs.
GetPlayerSummaries Get basic community profile information from the Steam IDs.
GetUserGroupList All the groups the account is a member of, this includes all game-related groups as well as community made groups.
ResolveVanityURL Converts custom account and group names to an ID.


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Gets the friends of the Steam user, if public.


getFriendList(steamID[, sorted])


steamID required

Type: String

Steam ID of the user, as a string


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Enable sorting by friending time, with the oldest friends at the top of the resulting list


Integer count
Number of friends

Array friends
Array of friend objects, sorted if the sorted paramter is true

String steamID
Steam ID of the friend

Integer since
Time the friend was added, in seconds since the epoch


const api = require('steam-js-api')
api.setKey('{{YOUR KEY}}')

api.getFriendList('76561198099490962', true).then(result => {

This would display an object that looks like this one:

    "count": 4,
    "friends": [
            "steamID": "76561198064527259",
            "since": 1374546543
            "steamID": "76561198073477368",
            "since": 1385304477
            "steamID": "76561198055109162",
            "since": 1415236183
            "steamID": "76561198190833690",
            "since": 1475462732


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Retrieves ban information on the provided Steam IDs. Notice that is PLURAL. You can get information on multiple Steam IDs at once, however Steam may internally limit the max number of Steam IDs you can query at once.




steamIDs required

Type: Array

Array of Steam ID strings, or just one, no array necessary


Integer count
Number of returned profiles, useful for checking if any Steam IDs were ignored or cropped from the final result

Object players
Ban objects listed by Steam ID

Boolean community
Whether or not the account has a community ban

String economy
What type of economy ban the account has. These are often temporary. Sadly, I don't know the possible values of this. If you have account restrictions, or know someone who does, please reach out to me so I can finish development on this part.

Boolean vac
Whether or not the account has a VAC ban. It may be possible for a single account to have multiple VAC bans, but I personally doubt it as VAC normally bans across ALL VAC secure games.

Integer bans
Total number of bans on the account; VAC + Game bans

Integer vacBans
Number of VAC bans on the account

Integer gameBans
Number of Game bans on the account. Game bans are not VAC bans, they are manually given to a player by the developer of the game they got banned on.

Integer lastBan
Number of days since the last ban was given to the account, a value of 0 indicates the account received a ban today


const api = require('steam-js-api')
api.setKey('{{YOUR KEY}}')

api.getPlayerBans('76561198099490962').then(result => {

This would display an object that looks like this one:

    "count": 1,
    "players": {
        "76561198099490962": {
            "community": false,
            "economy": "none",
            "vac": false,
            "bans": 0,
            "vacBans": 0,
            "gameBans": 0,
            "lastBan": 0


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Get basic community profile information from the Steam IDs. Notice that is PLURAL. You can get information on multiple Steam IDs at once, however Steam may internally limit the max number of Steam IDs you can query at once.




steamIDs required

Type: Array

Array of Steam ID strings, or just one, no array necessary


Integer count
Number of returned profiles, useful for checking if any Steam IDs were ignored or cropped from the final result

Object players
Player objects listed by Steam ID

String name
Persona name, this is shown in games and on the website

String realName
The "real name" set by the account, not guaranteed to actually be real. May be set to Boolean false if unset, useful for checking if a string is set before printing it

String url
Community profile URL, may contain the Steam ID or be the custom vanity url set by the account

Integer state
A value from 0-6; 0 - Offline, 1 - Online, 2 - Busy, 3 - Away, 4 - Snooze, 5 - Looking to Trade, 6 - Looking to Play

String stateString
Mapped value of state to a string, see the persona.json file in json for values

Boolean public
Whether or not the profile is visible, if this is false then some interfaces may not work at all, and limited data is available through player summaries

Boolean comments
Whether or not the comments are set to public, if this is false then you won't be able to comment on the profile, and may also not be able to see comments

Integer joined
Time the account was created, in seconds since the epoch. This is not available for private accounts, however you can easily use the Steam ID to guess the time the account was created anyway.

Integer offline
Time the account last went offline, in seconds since the epoch. This does not mean the player is currently offline, or when they actually went offline, just the last time their status changed to be offline.

Boolean community
Whether or not the profile has a community profile set up. You should not allow accounts without a community profile to use your services.

Integer group
The primary group set by the user, if no group is set then this value is a Boolean false to avoid ambiguity

Boolean inGame
If the user is currently in a game

Integer appID
If inGame is true, then this is the app ID of the game being played. If inGame is true and this value is 0, then the account is playing a non-Steam game.

String appName
If inGame is true, then this is most likely the name of the game being played. If appID is 0, this is the "extra game info" from the non-Steam game, and may not be an accurate representation of the true game name.

Object avatar
Holds the various urls for the avatar sizes

String small
URL for the 32x32 avatar

String medium
URL for the 64x64 avatar

String large
URL for the 184x184 avatar

Object location
The public location of the account, should never be used for any real location authentication, as users can change this whenever and however they want

String country
Full English name of the country, is a Boolean false if not set by the account

String state
Full English name of the state/ province/ city-state, is a Boolean false if not set by the account

String city
Full English name of the city, is a Boolean false if not set by the account. Keep in mind some country states have only one possible city, and some have no city options at all.

String countryCode
The country code for the country, should adhere to world standards (i.e. United States code is US)

String stateCode
The state code for the state, for some countries this is the official abbreviation (i.e. Alaska state code is AK) but for most this is just a random internal code

Integer cityCode
The city code for the city, seems to be a completely unique ID, otherwise this is not standardized and only for internal use


const api = require('steam-js-api')
api.setKey('{{YOUR KEY}}')

api.getPlayerSummaries('76561198099490962').then(result => {

This would display an object that looks like this one:

    "count": 1,
    "players": {
        "76561198099490962": {
            "name": "Almic",
            "realName": "Mick Ashton",
            "url": "",
            "state": 1,
            "stateString": "online",
            "public": true,
            "comments": true,
            "joined": 1374542223,
            "offline": 1547510790,
            "community": true,
            "group": "103582791435315066",
            "inGame": true,
            "appID": 730,
            "appName": "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive",
            "avatar": {
                "small": "",
                "medium": "",
                "large": ""
            "location": {
                "country": "United States",
                "state": "Alaska",
                "city": "Nome",
                "countryCode": "US",
                "stateCode": "AK",
                "cityCode": 69


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All the groups the account is a member of, this includes all game-related groups as well as community made groups.




steamID required

Type: String

Steam ID of the user, as a string


Array groups
Array of group ID strings


const api = require('steam-js-api')
api.setKey('{{YOUR KEY}}')

api.getUserGroups('76561198099490962').then(result => {

This would display an object that looks like this one:

    "groups": [


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Converts custom account and group names to an ID. Please do not use the entire URL, instead extract the actual name from the custom url before calling this function. For Steam accounts, custom urls are{{VANITY NAME}} and for groups is{{VANITY NAME}}

Do not use the third type: game groups. From the surface it looks like official game groups are not accessible by normal methods, and only show up as outdated web pages with little to no content. Official game groups will probably be deprecated in due Valve time, or may be suddenly thrown at our faces. Either way, I wouldn't recommend using them at all right now, because like I said, you can't even access the group pages by normal methods.


resolveName(name[, type])


name required

Type: String

Custom name found in the url of the account or group


Type: String
Default: user

Type of name to be resolved, supported values are user and group. The integer values 1 and 2 can be passed instead.


String id
The full Steam ID for users, or the group ID for groups


const api = require('steam-js-api')
api.setKey('{{YOUR KEY}}')

api.resolveName('almic').then(result => {

This would display an object that looks like this one:

    "id": "76561198099490962"