An IBM and 1970s inspired desktop theme.
This theme is implemented as several distinct yet coordinated customizations of Linux and macOS applications.
Example usage: andornaut/dotfiles#5c99724
A photograph of an IBM Data Center by George Dunbar who was a photographer for IBM Canada from 1957 to 1989.
Alacritty is a cross-platform terminal emulator.
bspwm is a tiling window manager.
Dunst is a notification daemon.
Eww is a desktop bar
Home Assistant is an automation platform.
iTerm2 is a terminal emulator for macOS.
- Install ChangeMenuBarColor
ChangeMenuBarColor SolidColor 9c9977 --all-displays
Rofi is an application launcher and window switcher.
tmux is a terminal multiplexer.
vim is a text editor.
Visual Studio Code is a code editor.