Completed solutions for the JavaScript 30 Day Challenge.
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Simple drum kit that can be played on the keyboard.
Simple analogue clock displaying the current time using CSS transformations and transitions and JavaScript to determine the position of the hands.
Use CSS Variables and JavaScript along with HTML sliders and a colour picker to dynamically change the styling of picture and background.
Use of JavaScript Arrays to manipulate data such as, filtering, sorting, reducing.
Use flex box in CSS with JavaScript to create an image gallery with images that when clicked expand/contract in size and animates overlaying text.
Search a list of cities showing the results below as the word is typed.
Use of JavaScript Arrays to manipulate data such as; some, every, find, and findIndex.
Use HTML5 Canvas to draw a line in the window which varies in colour and width.
Examples of different ways to use the developer console tools for JavaScript.
JavaScript which allows one to select multiple checkboxes by holding shift.
A custom html5 video player with a play button, volume, speed, and skip controls as well as a toggle full screen button.
Detect a Sequence of presses keys and then respond.
Slide images in from the side of the page when scrolling and slide them out when no longer visible.
Explore the difference between referencing and copying Arrays and objects.
Use Local Storage to store a list of items and whether they were checked or not.