This code shows a simple way to Fine-Tune BERT on the task of Semantic Role Labeling. It is mostly meant to show a simple way of finetuning BERT using SRL as an example.
- Python version >= 3.8
- Hugging-Face Transformers >= 4.17.0
This model was tested with Universal Proposition Banks dataset. Further compatibility for CoNLL-05, CoNLL-09, CoNLL-12 (all of them are licensed datasets) can be easily added by creating the appropriate objects for data pre_processing.
python pre_processing/ \
--source_file data/en_ewt-up-dev.conllu \
--output_file data/en_ewt-up-dev.jsonl \
--src_lang "<EN>" \
--token_type EN_CoNLLUP_Token
python3 --train_path data/en_ewt-up-train.jsonl --dev_path data/en_ewt-up-dev.jsonl --save_model_dir saved_models/MBERT_SRL \
--epochs 10 --batch_size 16 --info_every 100 --bert_model bert-base-multilingual-cased
python3 -m saved_models/EN_BERT_SRL --epoch 10 --test_path data/en_ewt-up-test.jsonl