Hackathon Project 🏠from cmd-f 2019
ShareChore is an Android app, a “Housework Management Application” that allows users to organize chores.
I've developed this app in cmd-f 2019 with a team of four.
Successfully submitted and presented this project within 24 hours. https://devpost.com/software/cmd-f-5sbwcx
Conflicts with roommates over shared chores.
ShareChore is a “Housework Management Application” that allows users to organize chores.
We developed this app using XML and Java. We spent a fair amount of time on UI/UX design with various tools including Figma. Considering the time constraint and the scope of our project, we settled for storing data locally instead of using cloud services.
None of us had any experience with Android development before this weekend so familiarizing ourselves with Android Studios and doing researches for available API/libraries.
By the end of this crazy 24 hours, we have a functional Android App on our phones
Teamwork; Android Studio; XML
More Hackathons and amazing collaborations
- Java
- Android Studio