A simple project to build container images for Atlantis server bundled with Terragrunt, include with ansible playbook to deploy it.
- Terragrunt v0.23.20 (Server)
- Atlantis v0.12.0 (Server)
- Docker v19.03.6 (Server)
- Ansible v2.9.9 (Client)
- Build the Atlantis with Terragrunt image
$ docker build -t ardikabs/terrantis:0.1.0 -f builds/Dockerfile.terrantis $ docker push ardikabs/terrantis:0.1.0
- Deploy the Atlantis with Terragrunt service
$ cd terragrunt-atlantis-server $ cd ansible $ chmod 755 plays; cd plays $ ansible-playbook -i ../inventory/atlantis.ini -e "HOSTS=<your-machine-address>" deploy-atlantis.yaml