Handy application which will convert your waiting time on computer to learn/memorize something new. The application is perfect for language learners who are trying to extend their vocabulary. However, it can be used to display random quotes too.
FingerTip Gyan pops up a tiny window at the press of a HotKey with a random Gyan("knowledge" in Hindi ) taken from a predefined pool. The window autocloses after 4 seconds, so that you can get back to your work.
This is inspired by a series of apps called the WaitSuite created by MIT CSAIL researchers, that uses the idle moments online by helping you learn a new language.
The showcase application called WaitChatter works on a specific browser & is activated for a small subset of applications/websites too.
FingerTip Gyan, on the other hand, can be used while (say), your application starts up, while you wait for websites to load, or while you are on phone ! Whenever you have time to press the hotkey.
Copy the autohotkey file & the sample database in the same folder.
You'd need Autohotkey Installed on your computer to run this.
- Use Dillinger to edit readme