This is a custom API that has the entire catalog of the website. You can enjoy all the content with subtitles in Spanish and the latest in the world of anime for free.
Soon we will add the documentation information in a link
Link to access the Animeflv API
Describe the purpose of the project and give clues about what the code does. For more information go to the following link Diary Reference.
Before cloning the repo be sure you have installed:
- Choose a folder project in your system and switch in
cd [folder path]
- Clone the repo in your folder path
git clone
In order to install the project and all dependencies, enter in the project folder and run npm install
npm start
npm test
- Fork it!
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes:
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request
- Darkangeel (System administration authority (SYSADM))
- Jéluchu (Android Developer, designer, and others)
- Chris Michael (Project Leader, and Developer)
Please ⭐ this repository if you like it or this project helped you!
Feel free to open issues or submit pull-requests to help me improving my work.
Aruppi Anime y Manga |
Copyright © 2020 Jéluchu.