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Work with known track

Jiří M. aka Menion edited this page Mar 15, 2019 · 2 revisions

In case, you know tracks ID identificator, there are methods what to do with this track.

How to obtain trackId

Work with trackId

Get track object

  • Locus Map 3.9+
  • method is done in SYNC over ContentProvider
  • no need to have running target app
val track: Track? = ActionBasics.getTrack(context, locusVersion, trackId)

Get track in the specific file format

  • Locus Map 3.37+
  • method is done over exchange of intents between activities
  • to handle exported file, no permission is needed. The exported file is provided over FileProvider API.

1. From your activity, request exported track

ActionBasics.getTrackInFormat(activity, locusVersion, 
        trackId, ActionBasics.FileFormat.GPX)

2. Handle received result in your activity

override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
    if (requestCode == RC_GET_TRACK_IN_FORMAT) {
        if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK && data?.data != null) {
            try {
                val targetFile = createTempFile(System.currentTimeMillis().toString(), "gpx")
                // copy data from inputStream to own file in temp directory
                copy(contentResolver.openInputStream(!!), targetFile)

                // well ... we have now own file with exported track
            } catch (e: Exception) {
                Logger.logE(TAG, "onActivityResult($requestCode, $resultCode, $data)", e)
        } else {
            // most probably canceled

Request on track needs to be done in activity context. Locus Map displays progress dialog during work, so no additional UI needed on add-on side.

Request may have additional parameters in defined formatExtra parameter. This have to be JSON formatted String with supported key/value items:

  • FIT
    • "mode": "activity" or "course"
    • "attachments": true/false
  • GPX
    • "attachments": true/false
  • KML
    • "attachments": true/false
    • "packAsKmz": true/false
  • TCX
    • "mode": "activity" or "course"
    • "attachments": true/false
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