This application will send you an email or Telegram notification whenever your grades has been updated.
const (
emailFlag = false
telegramFlag = false
sid = "1155012345"
pw = "my password"
email = "my"
emailpw = "my gmail pw"
smtpHost = ""
smtpAddr = ""
bot_token = "123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11"
- Set emailFlag to true.
- Set email and emailpw.
- Secure Gmail users who have employed 2-step verification will have to obtain an "App specific password" for emailpw.
- Change smtpHost and smtpAddr if you want to use mail services other than Gmail.
- Set telegramFlag to true.
- Create a Telegram Bot:
- Set bot_token to the token of your bot
Deploy it to OpenShift to run 24 hours/day for free, and then use Uptime Robot to prevent it from sleeping. You may run it on your own computer too.