Redux Framework Box Shadow Extension
Redux Framework Box Shadow Extensio is an Extension for well known WordPress theme options framework "Redux" to create a field for Box Shadow.
You should have knowledge about how to install extensions in Redux Framwork.This link may help you.
'id' => 'box-shadow',
'type' => 'box_shadow',
'title' => __('Box Shadow', 'redux-framework-demo'),
'units' => array( 'px', 'em', 'rem' ),
'output' => ( '.header' ),
'opacity' => true,
'rgba' => true,
'default' => array (
'horizontal' => '5px', // can be negative value
'vertical' => '5px', // can be negative value
'blur' => '5px',
'spread' => '5px',
'opacity' => '1.0',
'shadow-color' => '#f71313',
'shadow-type' => 'inset', // 'inset' or 'outside'
'units' => 'px',
You have the array of values which can be used to create the css box shadow.
Array (
[horizontal] = > 5px
[vertical] => 5px
[blur] => 5px
[spread] => 5px
[opacity] => 1
[units] => px
[shadow-color] => #f71313
[shadow-type] => inset
[rgba] => rgba(247,19,19,1)