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Fix e2e doc

Fix e2e doc #19

# The runner's playground namespace can be used to deploy a virtual cluster
# with vcluster. The vcluster behaves as a full fledged Kubernetes cluster on
# which the runner is admin. Namespaces, Custom Resource Definitions and other
# cluster-scope resources can be created.
# Deploying the vcluster in the playground namespaces requires including a few
# steps at the beginning of the workflow. This file provides an example
# workflow that deploys a vcluster and uses it to deploy a basic application.
# In addition, it shows how to use the local docker registry, which is also
# accessible from the vcluster.
name: vcluster_example
runs-on: arc-runners
### --- Include the steps below in your workflow to create a vcluster.
# The runner pods set the playground namespace as default for kubectl.
# Since the playground namespace won't exist on the vcluster, set the
# default kubectl namespace to "default".
POD_NAMESPACE: "default"
# The steps below create a manifest file for a secret that contains the
# local docker registry certificate. This makes it easier to inject it in
# the vcluster namespaces if necessary.
REGISTRY_CA_MANIFEST: "/tmp/registry-ca-manifest.yaml"
- name: Deploy the virtual cluster
shell: bash
run: |
vcluster create "$(hostname)" \
--connect=false --namespace="$(hostname)" \
--extra-values="${tmpvalues}" --chart-name=vcluster
vcluster connect "$(hostname)" \
--namespace="$(hostname)" --server="$(hostname).$(hostname)"
### --- At this point, a vcluster is deployed and kubectl is configured to
### --- create resources in it. You can replace everything below by your own
### --- workflow steps.
### --- The steps below deploy a simple application in the vcluster.
- name: Create a deployment using internal registry
shell: bash
run: |
echo "Login to CI private registry $CI_REPO"
echo ${{ secrets.private_registry_token }} | docker login --username ${{ secrets.private_registry_token }} --password-stdin "$CI_REPO"
docker pull
docker tag "$CI_REPO"/agnhost:2.39
docker push "$CI_REPO"/agnhost:2.39
kubectl create deployment hello-node \
--image="$CI_REPO"/agnhost:2.39 \
-- /agnhost netexec --http-port=8080
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod -l app=hello-node
kubectl get deployments
kubectl get pods
- name: Create a service
shell: bash
run: |
kubectl expose deployment hello-node --type=LoadBalancer --port=8080
sleep 60s
kubectl get services
HELLO_NODE_ADDRESS=$(kubectl get service hello-node -o jsonpath={.spec.clusterIP})
HELLO_NODE_PORT=$(kubectl get service hello-node -o jsonpath={.spec.ports[].port})
# This step is not strictly necessary. When the runner pod exits, the
# playground namespace and hence to whole vcluster are destroyed.
# However, it is good practice to clean you own mess (`・ω・´)”.
- name: Clean up
shell: bash
run: |
kubectl delete all --all
sleep 10s
kubectl get pods