Official .NET tooling for Aurelia.
Generate Aurelia CLI project with any options provided and place in the project directory of the .NET Core application
// In production, the Aurelia files will be served from this directory
services.AddSpaStaticFiles(configuration =>
configuration.RootPath = "%aurelia-root%/dist";
app.UseSpa(spa => {
spa.Options.SourcePath = "%replaceWithAureliaCLIRoot%";
if (env.IsDevelopment())
spa.UseAureliaCliServer(); // Optional HMR (Hot Module Reload)
- VScode plugin
- Language Server/Client
- Project Templates utilizing dotnet new behind the scenes
- Item Templates utilizing CLI
- Unattended mode to help with generation of projects and usage of VsCode command pallete
Templates - To be hosted on nuget (All options have default CLI appended for generation eg. SCSS/Webpack/Etc.)
- dotnet new aurelia - Api based no security quick start
- dotnet new aurelia-mvc - Usage of MVC views and integration of Aurelia
- dotnet new aurelia-secure - Add token based authentication and dashboard to manage. All built with Aurelia
- dotnet new aurelia-ssr - Generate a dotnet template that will use the embedded node process to render the Aurelia application
- Reverse engineer API endpoints and generate corresponding aurelia views based on the models