Cloud Auxiliary is a python wrapper and orchestration module for interacting with cloud providers.
Python 2 support has been dropped as of version 1.9.0. For projects that still require Python 2 support, please use the latest 1.8.x builds.
- intelligent connection caching.
- handles pagination for certain client methods.
- rate limit handling, with exponential backoff.
- multi-account sts:assumerole abstraction.
- orchestrates all the calls required to fully describe an item.
- control which attributes are returned with flags.
- choosing the best client based on service
- client caching
- general caching and stats decorators available
- basic support for non-specified discovery-API services
- control which attributes are returned with flags.
- intelligent connection caching.
- generalized OpenStack SDK generator usage.
- orchestrates all the calls required to fully describe an item.
- control which attributes are returned flags.
- IAM Role
- IAM User
- IAM SAML Provider
- S3
- ELB (v1)
- ELBv2 (ALB)
- Lambda Functions
- Glacier
- EC2 Image
- Cloudwatch Events
- IAM Service Accounts
- Network/Subnetworks
- Storage Buckets
- Network/Subnet
- Floating IP/Router/Port
- User
- Instance/Image
- Load Balancer
- Object Storage Container
pip install cloudaux
For GCP support run:
pip install cloudaux\[gcp\]
For OpenStack support run:
pip install cloudaux\[openstack\]
# Using wrapper methods:
from import get_queue, get_messages
conn_details = {
'account_number': '111111111111',
'assume_role': 'MyRole',
'session_name': 'MySession',
'region': 'us-east-1'
queue = get_queue(queue_name='MyQueue', **conn_details)
messages = get_messages(queue=queue)
# Using the CloudAux class
from cloudaux import CloudAux
CloudAux.go('kms.client.list_aliases', **conn_details)
ca = CloudAux(**conn_details)'kms.client.list_aliases')
# directly asking for a boto3 connection:
from import boto3_cached_conn
conn = boto3_cached_conn('ec2', **conn_details)
# Over your entire environment:
from cloudaux.decorators import iter_account_region
accounts = ['000000000000', '111111111111']
conn_details = {
'assume_role': 'MyRole',
'session_name': 'MySession',
'conn_type': 'boto3'
@iter_account_region('kms', accounts=accounts, regions=['us-east-1'], **conn_details)
def list_keys(conn=None):
return conn.list_keys()['Keys']
# If you want your role to be read-only, you can assume your role and add the read_only flag to connection details
# to inherit the AWS ReadOnlyAccess policy. This flag defaults to False
# The permissions from the role being assumed will be limited to Read and List only
conn_details = {
'account_number': '111111111111',
'assume_role': 'MyRole',
'session_name': 'MySession',
'region': 'us-east-1',
'read_only': True
# directly asking for a client:
from import get_client
client = get_client('gce', **conn_details)
# Over your entire environment:
from cloudaux.gcp.decorators import iter_project
projects = ['my-project-one', 'my-project-two']
# To specify per-project key_files, you can do thie following:
# projects = [
# {'project': 'my-project-one', key_file='/path/to/project-one.json'},
# {'project': 'my-project-two', key_file='/path/to/project-two.json'}
# ]
# To specify a single key_file for all projects, use the key_file argument
# to the decorator
# @iter_project(projects=projects, key_file='/path/to/key.json')
# To use default credentials, omit the key_file argument
# @iter_project(projects=projects)
from cloudaux.gcp.iam import list_serviceaccounts
from cloudaux.orchestration.gcp.iam.serviceaccount import get_serviceaccount_complete
@iter_project(projects=projects, key_file='/path/to/key.json')
def test_iter(**kwargs):
accounts = list_serviceaccounts(**kwargs)
ret = []
for account in accounts:
return ret
from cloudaux.openstack.decorators import _connect
conn = _connect(cloud_name, region, yaml_file):
# Over your entire environment:
from cloudaux.openstack.decorators import iter_account_region, get_regions
def list_networks(conn=None, service='network', generator='security_groups'):
from cloudaux.openstack.utils import list_items
from import get_role, FLAGS
# account_number may be extracted from the ARN of the role passed to get_role
# if not included in conn.
conn = dict(
assume_role='SecurityMonkey', # or whichever role you wish to assume into
role = get_role(
dict(arn='arn:aws:iam::000000000000:role/myRole', role_name='myRole'),
output='camelized', # optional: {camelized underscored}
flags=FLAGS.ALL, # optional
# The flags parameter is optional but allows the user to indicate that
# only a subset of the full item description is required.
# IAM Role Flag Options:
# cloudaux makes a number of calls to obtain a full description of the role
print(json.dumps(role, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
"Arn": ...,
"AssumeRolePolicyDocument": ...,
"CreateDate": ..., # str
"InlinePolicies": ...,
"InstanceProfiles": ...,
"ManagedPolicies": ...,
"Path": ...,
"RoleId": ...,
"RoleName": ...,
"Tags": {},
"_version": 3 # Orchestration results return a _Version
from cloudaux.orchestration.gcp.iam.serviceaccount import get_serviceaccount_complete, FLAGS
sa_name = 'projects/my-project-one/serviceAccounts/'
sa = get_serviceaccount_complete(sa_name, flags=FLAGS.ALL, **conn_details)
print(json.dumps(sa, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
# Flag options for Service Accounts are BASE, KEYS, POLICY, ALL (default).
"DisplayName": "service-account",
"Email": "",
"Etag": "BwUzTDvWgHw=",
"Keys": [
"KeyAlgorithm": "KEY_ALG_RSA_2048",
"Name": "projects/my-project-one/serviceAccounts/",
"ValidAfterTime": "2016-06-30T18:26:45Z",
"ValidBeforeTime": "2026-06-28T18:26:45Z"
"Name": "projects/my-project-one/serviceAccounts/",
"Oauth2ClientId": "115386704809902483492",
"Policy": [
"Members": [
"Role": "roles/iam.serviceAccountActor"
"ProjectId": "my-project-one",
"UniqueId": "115386704809902483492"
from cloudaux.orchestration.openstack.security_group import get_security_group, FLAGS
secgroup = get_security_group(result, flags=flags, **kwargs)
# The flags parameter is optional but allows the user to indicate that
# only a subset of the full item description is required.
# Security Group Flag Options:
# RULES, INSTANCES (default)
# For instance: flags=FLAGS.RULES | FLAGS.INSTANCES
print(json.dumps(secgroup, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
"assigned_to": [
"instance_id": "..."
"created_at": "...",
"description": "...",
"id": "...",
"location": "...",
"name": "...",
"project_id": "...",
"revision_number": 3,
"rules": [
"rule_type": "...",
"remote_group_id": "...",
"from_port": "...",
"description": "...",
"tags": [],
"to_port": "...",
"ethertype": "...",
"created_at": "...",
"updated_at": "...",
"security_group_id": "...",
"revision_number": 0,
"tenant_id": "...",
"project_id": "..."",
"id": "...",
"cidr_ip": "...",
"ip_protocol": "..."
"updated_at": "..."