This project is all about creating GreenGrass custom component that can be deployed in the Plant IT network, reads data from Historian DB deployed in the plant and stream the data into AWS IOT Sitewise. This component is very much relevant in scenarios where customer is primarily sending machine data to Historian DB and want to monitor the process data in a dashboard (AWS IOT Sitewise or Grafana or custom built) in accordance with the machine tag hierarchy.
This github project provides detail on scripts to create Historian DB as well as populate data, IOT Sitewise configuration and Greengrass custom component to send Historian data to AWS IOT Sitewise.
The below diagram showcase the over-all solution that can be deployed with this sample:
- Greengrass custom component is deployed at at the edge server inside AWS IOT Greengrass server
- Greengrass custom component read data from Historian database at a regular interval. Time interval is configurable.
- Once data is read from Historian database, they are sent to the edge sitewise stream. The stream name is configurable. The asset hierarchy along with other asset paramter name and values are read from the Historian database.
- AWS Greengrass Stream Manager SDK is being used to send the historian data to edge sitewise stream.
- From Sitewise edge stream, data is sent to AWS IOT Sitewise within specific measurement / asset hierarchy, as configured while sending the data to edge stream.
Following are the pre-requisite before deploying the solution components:
- You have access to AWS account console
- Follow the instructions in sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the IOT Greengrass workshop to set-up Greengrass Gateway and Asset model.
Create Historian tables as per the SQL scripts included in CreateTableScript.sql file
Run the python code to populate Historian database. The code will run indefinitely, deletng (archiving) data older than 8 hours.
Initialize database related parameters through the configuration file:
db_host_name = "<Enter Host name or IP addres of the Historian DB>" db_user = "<User ID of the Historian DB>" db_password = "<Password of the Historian DB>" db_name = "<Database name>"
Configure the Stream manager SDK for Python to create client object:
client = StreamManagerClient()
Configure Export definition with target to AWS IOT Sitewise
exports = ExportDefinition( iot_sitewise=[IoTSiteWiseConfig( identifier="IoTSiteWiseExport" + stream_name, batch_size=5)] )
Create AWS IOT Sitewise message stream
client.create_message_stream( MessageStreamDefinition( name=stream_name, strategy_on_full=StrategyOnFull.OverwriteOldestData, export_definition=exports ) )
Create Array object for the property values
asset = [AssetPropertyValue( value=variant_data, timestamp=ingestion_time_in_nanos, quality=quality_value)]
Contains a list of value updates for a IoTSiteWise asset property.
asset_property_value = PutAssetPropertyValueEntry(entry_id=str(ID), property_alias=property_alias_str, property_values=asset)
Append the asset property into Sitewise stream
client.append_message( stream_name, Util.validate_and_serialize_to_json_bytes(asset_property_value))
For custom component deployment, refer the recipe.json file. To perform deployment, upload artifatc on S3 at a specified location as per below code snippet:
s3://<Bucket name>/greengrass/components/aws.workshop.HistorianStreamIngestorIntoSiteWise/1.0.0/
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.