This is a barebone example of an application written in Scala.js.
To get started, open sbt
in this example project, and issue the task
. This creates the file target/scala-2.10/example.js
and its
siblings example-extdeps.js
and example-intdeps.js
You can now open index-dev.html
in your favorite Web browser!
During development, it is useful to use ~packageJS
in sbt, so that each
time you save a source file, a compilation of the project is triggered.
Hence only a refresh of your Web page is needed to see the effects of your
Instead of running packageJS
, you can also run preoptimizeJS
to generate
a much more compact version of the JavaScript code in virtually no more time
than you run packageJS
. In that case, open the example-preopt.html
to execute the application. Note that browser refresh is much faster in this
should be fast enough for you to use ~preoptimizeJS
in sbt
for your development cycle.
For ultimate code size reduction, use optimizeJS
. This will take several
seconds to execute, so typically you only use this for the final, production
version of your application. While index-dev.html
(resp. index-preopt.html
refers to the JavaScript emitted by packageJS
(resp. preoptimizeJS
refers to the optimized JavaScript emitted by optimizeJS