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miscellaneous genomics scripts for fetching, parsing, and summarizing genomic data


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Misc Genomics Scripts


  • python 2.7 with biopython and the full scipy stack

FastA manipulation and statistics

  • calc.ATCG.content.bash: a unix way to quickly get A,T,C,G,N,- content from a FastA file; handles linewraps and multiple records

  • cleans up a de novo assembly from SPAdes, Velvet, or IDBA (requires biopython). IDBA includes space-delimited data in their contig headers, and because SeqIO parses on whitespace, these will need to be removed or replaced (e.g., sed -i 's/ /|/g' assembly.fna). SPAdes and Velvet lack whitespace in their contig deflines, so those output files can be directly fed into this filtering script.

    Example batch usage: If there are many SPAdes assembly output directories beginning with 3009 that need filtering, first cd into the parent dir containing all of the 3009* dirs and execute: for F in 3009*/contigs.fasta; do B=$(dirname $F | awk -F \/ '{print $1}'); -i $F -g -m -c 5 -l 250 -o "$B".fna; done This took me 1 min for 340 assemblies.

  • find.dupes.bash: given a FastA file, identifies repetitive regions, and outputs a BED file; flexible opts for defining repetitive sites; depends on BEDTools and MUMmer (nucmer)

Fetching data from NCBI

  • download FastQ read files from NCBI for a given BioSample (or SRR) accession

  • A GenBank file is fetched from NCBI given an accession number. When more than one accession is provided (e.g., for taxa with >1 chromosome or harboring plasmids) all records are merged into a single output file. The --min-length option ensures unusually small sequence sizes don't make their way into downstream analyses. Biopython is used to avoid a dependency on efetch.

GenBank file manipulations

  • Specify a search term such as a gene name or locus_tag and extract its nucleotide sequence. An ERROR message is printed if the query returns more than one or no hit.
  • prints molecular weights of all proteins from coding sequences to stdout and provides the corresponding locus_tag and product for each as well. Handles unknown residues in proteins ('X') by estimating each as 128.16 Daltons and appends an '~' in front of the calculated molecular weight to indicate approximation.
  • given a locus tag, an amino acid FastA is printed to stdout

Cleaning up disk space

  • BLAST searching requires index files that can be easily and quickly re-generated, so remove all leftover binary files within $HOME: find $HOME -type f -regextype posix-extended -regex '.*\.(nhr|nih|nin|nog|nsd|nsi|nsq|psi|psq)' -print | xargs rm -v
  • SPAdes keeps a lot of intermediate files, so delete these but keep essential log and FastA files to repeat the assembly if necessary: prune.SPAdes.assembly.dirs.bash $HOME

Example Installation of 'bpy2' environment

1 - get anaconda

 cd ~/Downloads/
 chmod u+x

2 - make it available

 echo 'export PATH="$LAB_HOME/.anaconda2/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
 source ~/.bashrc

3 - create an environment called 'bpy2' with Python 2.7.12

 conda create -n bpy2 python=2.7.12

4 - hop into the bpy2 env

 source activate bpy2

5 - install modules within the bpy2 environment

 conda config --add channels bioconda
 conda install biopython=1.68 dendropy=4.2.0 matplotlib=2.0.0 numpy=1.12.1 pandas=0.19.2 readline=6.2 reportlab=3.4.0 ruffus=2.6.3 scipy=0.19.0 seaborn=0.7.1 scikit-learn=0.18.1 sqlite=3.13.0

6 - get out of the environment

 source deactivate


miscellaneous genomics scripts for fetching, parsing, and summarizing genomic data







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