Python - 3.6.0
Django - 2.2.5
PostgreSQL - 11
Django RestFramework - 3.9.4
Docker - 18.09.7
Docker-Compose - 1.24.1
1 - Create git secrets variables for the sensitive variables.
Those secrets are encrypted variables used in workflows/main.yml.
2 - This simple pipeline is powerful for microservices development teamns.
3 - First enforce the code style using PEP 8 best practies.
4 - Build images and Run unit tests.
Create a .env for Python Decouple sensitive variables:
1 - Create enviroment variables for using in .env
$ export API_DB_USER=<Choose you PostgreSQL username>
$ export API_DB_PASS=<Choose you PostgreSQL password>
$ export API_DB_DATABASE=<Choose you PostgreSQL Database>
2 - Create the .env in's directory
DATABASE_URL= postgres://<$API_DB_USER>:<$API_DB_PASS>@db_postgres:5432/<$API_DB_DATABASE>
3 - Building all images for later be using for containers:
$ make build
4 - Execute this command to create PostgreSQL database name as db_postgres:
make up-postgresql
5 - Wait 10s and then execute those commands to set username and password credentials for database:
Create role with enviroment variables
$ make create-role
Alter role to be active
$ make alter-role
Alter role to give permission to create database
$ make permission-role
Create Database for django
$ make create-db
6 - If you wanna up all contaieners:
make up
7 - Create API container in development mode with deamons:
make run
- Urls:
* api/produto/
* /
* /create
* /detail-update/{id}
* /delete/{id}
- Urls:
* api/produto/
* /
* /create
* /detail-update/{id}
* /delete/{id}