Releases: bbchristians/SATDBailiff
- Added functionality for mapping SATD Instances located above method signatures to the associated proceeding method.
- Implemented cross-file tracking. This occurs when SATD is removed in one file during the same commit when it is added to another. In this case, we want to maintain an instance reference (in the form of a child-parent relationship to allow for multiple instances with single parents in the case of SATD proliferation) between the two (or more) instances.
The first release of the mining tool.
0.885 manually validated accuracy.
Added an additional check after a comment is changed to determine if the SATD is still SATD or not. This prevents long-standing comments from remaining in the dataset over time due to them not being re-detected as SATD.
Fixed some issues with commits with identical commit timestamps.
Fixed some writer errors causing commit hash collisions. Updated DB schema.
Fixed an issue with duplicate entries and improved CLI.
Fixed an issue with duplication.
Fixed some edge cases. Preparing again for manual validation.
More bug fixes
Still some missing functionality to the CLI to be completed.
Manual Validation Accuracy: 87%
Some bugs fixed, but some still remain.
Additional CLI functionality added.