The usage of the taskviewsVA R package (visual analytics tools for CRAN task views, L. Borke and S. Bykovskaya) with live examples on GitHub pages
Total CRAN packages: 10036
Total CRAN Task Views: 34
The distribution of CRAN task views combinations:
Number of task views | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 7 | 6 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Number of packages | 7390 | 2177 | 340 | 84 | 30 | 7 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
- Zero means: no task view assignment.
- One: exactly one task view assignment.
- More than one: packages having more than one task view assignment.
The distribution of all CRAN task views related packages:
The distribution of all CRAN task views versus unique CRAN task views:
- Red: all task views.
- Blue: unique task views.
D3 forceNetwork graph visualizing connections between task views:
- D3 forceNetwork for all task views
D3 forceNetwork graph visualizing connections between task views and related packages:
For task views:
- all currently available task views:
- D3 forceNetwork. Moving the mouse over a node displays the corresponding task view/package name.
- D3 forceNetwork with task view names being displayed
- D3 forceNetwork with task view and package names being displayed
- WebTechnologies, Spatial, ReproducibleResearch, gR, Bayesian:
- D3 forceNetwork. Moving the mouse over a node displays the corresponding task view/package name.
- D3 forceNetwork with task view names being displayed
- D3 forceNetwork with task view and package names being displayed
- D3 forceNetwork with task view and package names being displayed. A click on a node takes the user to the webpage with the corresponding task view/package
- NaturalLanguageProcessing, WebTechnologies, HighPerformanceComputing:
- D3 forceNetwork. Moving the mouse over a node displays the corresponding task view/package name.
- D3 forceNetwork with task view names being displayed
- D3 forceNetwork with task view and package names being displayed
For packages:
- "abbyyR", "alm", "anametrix", "bigrquery", "downloader", "RgoogleMaps", "plotGoogleMaps", "akima", "cleangeo", "rgdal", "spaMM", "vec2dtransf", "plotKML", "leafletR", "recmap"
- D3 forceNetwork. Moving the mouse over a node displays the corresponding task view/package name.
- D3 forceNetwork with task view names being displayed
- D3 forceNetwork with task view and package names being displayed
- all packages related to the High-Performance and Parallel Computing with R task view
- D3 forceNetwork
- D3 forceNetwork with task view names being displayed
- D3 forceNetwork with task view and package names being displayed
Interactive 3D graph visualizing connections between task views and related packages:
For task views:
- all currently available task views:
- WebTechnologies, Spatial, ReproducibleResearch, gR, Bayesian:
- NaturalLanguageProcessing, WebTechnologies, HighPerformanceComputing:
For packages:
- "abbyyR", "alm", "anametrix", "bigrquery", "downloader", "RgoogleMaps", "plotGoogleMaps", "akima", "cleangeo", "rgdal", "spaMM", "vec2dtransf", "plotKML", "leafletR", "recmap":
- 3D graph with preffered package names being displayed. Moving the mouse over a node displays the corresponding package name.
- 3D graph with white background and preffered package names being displayed. Moving the mouse over a node displays the corresponding package name.
- 3D graph with all package names being displayed
- 3D graph with white background and all package names being displayed