This is a SDK client library for use with Azure Communication Services, providing support for sending email and SMS. It is a an implementation of the REST APIs documented here & here
It's simple to use, the only pre-req is a Communication Service resource deployed and configured in Azure
Let's send an email to Bob, he'd love to hear from us...
import ""
endpoint := ""
accessKey := os.Getenv("ACS_ACCESS_KEY") // Keep the ACS access key secret
acsClient := client.New(accessKey, endpoint)
email := client.NewHTMLEmail("", "", "Hello!", "<h1>Hi bob!</h1>")
msgID, err := acsClient.SendEmail(email)
if err != nil {
// Optional - check or poll the status with client.GetStatus(msgID)
Maybe Bob would like a coffee, let's send him a SMS
import ""
endpoint := ""
accessKey := os.Getenv("ACS_ACCESS_KEY") // Keep the ACS access key secret
acsClient := client.New(accessKey, endpoint)
sms := client.NewSMS("+18551111111", "+441234567890", "Fancy a coffee?")
smsResp, err := acsClient.SendSingleSMS(sms)
if err != nil {
// Validate sending by checking the smsResp here
See the email_test.go
& sms_test.go
files for more detailed examples
A simplified summary of the main data types and functions
// NewClient creates a client with the given access key and endpoint
func NewClient(accessKey, endpoint string) *Client
// SendEmail sends an email and returns the message ID and any error
func (c *Client) SendEmail(e *Email) (messageID string, err error)
// GetStatus gets the status of an email message sent using SendEmail()
func (c *Client) GetEmailStatus(messageID string) (status string, err error)
// SendSingleSMS sends a single SMS and returns the API response and/or error
func (c *Client) SendSingleSMS(s *SMS) (smsResp *SMSSendResponseItem, err error)
// Email is the main request type to send emails
type Email struct {
Recipients Recipients `json:"recipients"`
Sender string `json:"sender"`
Content Content `json:"content"`
Headers []CustomHeader `json:"headers"`
Tracking bool `json:"disableUserEngagementTracking"`
Importance string `json:"importance"`
ReplyTo []Address `json:"replyTo"`
Attachments []Attachment `json:"attachments"`
// NewHTMLEmail creates a new email with HTML content
func NewHTMLEmail(from, to, subject, body string) *Email
// NewPlainEmail creates a new email with plain text content
func NewPlainEmail(from, to, subject, body string) *Email
// AddAttachmentFile attaches a file from the filesystem to the email
func (e *Email) AddAttachmentFile(filePath string) error
// AddAttachmentRaw adds an attachment to the email as raw bytes
func (e *Email) AddAttachmentRaw(name string, content []byte, attachmentType string)
// AddBCC adds a BCC recipient
func (e *Email) AddBCC(address, displayName string)
// AddCC adds a CC recipient
func (e *Email) AddCC(address, displayName string)
// AddCustomHeader adds a custom header to the email
func (e *Email) AddCustomHeader(key, value string)
// AddReplyTo adds a reply to address
func (e *Email) AddReplyTo(address, displayName string)
// DisableUserEngagementTracking disables user engagement tracking
func (e *Email) DisableUserEngagementTracking()
// EnableUserEngagementTracking enables user engagement tracking
func (e *Email) EnableUserEngagementTracking()
type SMS struct {
From string `json:"from"`
Message string `json:"message"`
SMSRecipients []SMSRecipient `json:"smsRecipients"`
SMSSendOptions SMSOptions `json:"smsSendOptions"`
// NewSMS creates a new SMS message for sending
func NewSMS(from, to, msg string) *SMS {