RDF data and SPARQL queries for producing/consuming Bio.Tools as Linked Data. RDF datasets have been produced through the biotoolsShim/json2rdf tool.
Here is a sample query run on this dataset. It connects persons with "share the same interest" relation when the tools they are associated to are annoated with the same EDAM topic.
?a1 <share_same_interests_with> ?a2
?s1 a <https://bio.tools/ontology/Resource>
?s1 <http://purl.org/dc/terms/publisher> ?a1
?s1 <http://edamontology.org/has_topic> ?t1
?s2 a <https://bio.tools/ontology/Resource>
?s2 <http://purl.org/dc/terms/publisher> ?a2
?s2 <http://edamontology.org/has_topic> ?t1
} LIMIT 2000