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George Profenza edited this page May 24, 2013 · 1 revision

In case you've been already tinkering with OpenCV and Qt but discovered OpenBR later you can skip a few steps using CCMake:

  1. Go to the openBR source directory
  2. Make a build folder and access it
  3. Run ccmake and configure it
  4. Make and install openBR

So in Terminal commands do this:

cd ~/Downloads/openbr-0.3
mkdir build && cd build
ccmake ..

In ccmake press c to configure. You might get an error regarding Qt. Configuring again, will bring you to a screen where you can input the path to the Qt5 libraries. Here's an example:

OpenBR CCMake config

Once the paths are setup press c again to reconfigure and then g to generate and exit. This should generate the makefiles, so all that's left to do is:

sudo make install


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