This repository aims to share instructions and material for the Tutorial taking place the 3rd October, 2017, in Meudon :
The goal of this day is to make an introduction to data analysis by playing with real scripts explained by experts. 3 sessions are organised:
- a Fermi tutorial: COSMAX
- an introduction to python
- a CTA tutorial with the package ctools
- a CTA tutorial with the package Gammapy
All files can be downloaded on your computer by typing on a terminal :
git clone
A backup site is set up to download data used for the CTA tutorials:
For information, the open Data Format for gamma-ray astronomy is explained and described here: . This is a work in progress...
This tutorial is driven by Régis Terrier (APC).
It uses the notebook : notebooks/astropy_introduction.ipynb and notebooks/using_numpy.ipynb
PS: to start a notebook, type on a terminal : jupyter notebook toto.ipynb
This tutorial is driven by Benoît Lott (CENBG).
This tutorial is driven by Jürgen Knödlseder (IRAP).
This tutorial is spitted in different part.
Some useful links:
- Global documentation :
- GitHub page:
- Quick installation guide :
- To receive news from the Gammapy team and developers, subscribe to the google groupe gammapy (!forum/gammapy)
- You can contact the dev. team:
- Christoph Deil :
- Bruno Khelifi :
- Roberta Zanin :
- Régis Terrer:
DataStore and links to HDU and OBS table, stacked observation
This tutorial is driven by Christoph Deil (MPIK Heidelberg).
It uses the notebook : notebooks/tutorial_gammapy_intro.ipynb
Counts maps, background estimation, excess and significance map, source fitting
This tutorial is driven by Yves Gallant (LUPM) and Fabio Acero (SAP).
It uses the notebook : notebooks/tutorial_gammapy_maps.ipynb notebooks/cta_fit_sources_v2.ipynb
Simulation of fake data, 1D analysis for the background and spectrum, spectrum extraction, spectrum modelling and adjustment
This tutorial is driven by Julien Lefaucheur (LUTh).
It uses the notebook : notebooks/tutorial_ebl.ipynb