The Norway Weather forecast website provides user friendly graphical representation of hour-by-hour weather conditions called meteogram. It combines temperature plot, sky conditions, amount of rain and wind strength and direction in one picture:
Here are some linux tools to work with meteograms:
- - base level script to retrieve, cache, extract, scale and translate meteogram
- - meteogram utility for mpv (IPTV) player (full-screen timed display and refresh of meteogram)
- - Trinity Desktop Environment (TDE) tool for inserting live meteogram into desktop wallpaper
Each script can be called by -h (-help) parameter to show usage help.
By calling script without any parameters the default values are used. To modify defaults just edit section denoted:
The new YR web face-lift redesign dropped the descriptive location specification and moved to very cryptic location ids. That means You have to find this cryptic numeric location id. Fortunately right now it looks like one time process. Just go the the page and start searching for your location by typing in the search input. Then select Your closest match from list of suggestions bellow the input box. Once the selected location become active the URL with cryptic location id is shown in address bar, for example for Toronto, Ontario, Canada:
In this case location "Canada.Ontario.Toronto" has cryptic location id = 2-6167865
BASH script to retrieve hour-by-hour web page from for specific location (wget). The retrieved html page is cached locally for configurable time. The meteogram svg graphic is extracted and optionally scalled to required dimensions (xmllint, sed). Optional simplistic text translation based on string find and replace is also available (sed script). The result is either svg or html format.
$ bin/ -h
= weather meteogram = extract svg graphic meteogram from = (c) 2021.11.02 by Robert = =
usage: ./ [-h][-d][-l tag][-t sec][-a agent][-c cache][-e exp][-cc CC][-i title][-s css][-u url][-o loc][-r res][-f force][-wxh WxH]
h ... this usage help
d ... verbose/debug output to stdout (overrides log setting)
l tag ... log output to logger with tag (default
t sec ... http timeout in sec (default 7)
a agent ... user-agent string for html page retrieval (default Mozilla/5.0 Gecko/26.0 Firefox/26.0 *
c cache ... cache file (default /tmp/cache-hour_by_hour.html)
e exp ... cache expiry time (default 1 hour + 15 mins)
cc CC ... translate to language CC (default EN), empty is EN
i title ... html title (default empty), result is html format if title is provided, svg format otherwise
s css ... css style for html output (default body { background-color: black; cursor: none; } body div { display: table, margin: auto; })
u url ... url to get meteogram svg graphic (default
o loc ... location id in the format 2-12345 (default 2-6167865)
r res ... result file (default /tmp/meteogram.html)
f force ... force update action (default empty)
wget - force cache refresh even within expiry period
svg - force regeneration of meteogram
wxh WxH ... scale graphics to width W and height H (default empty), empty for no scaling = original size
Required: pkg: libxml2-utils, script: [ meteogram-CC.sed for the translation to CC language ]
BASH script to retrieve (by calling and display full-screen meteogram for configurable time. Firefox browser in kiosk-mode is used as svg+html full-screen viewer. To display the meteogram the firefox is brought up to the front while IPTV mpv player in full-screen mode is sent to back. The browser is forced to refresh the page to always display the updated meteogram. After configurable time the IPTV player is brought again to the front. Tje IPTV player in the background is not paused so audio is still available while meteogram is displayed.
$ bin/ -h
= display meteogram = retrieve and display meteogram in viewer for defined time = (c) 2021.11.03 by Robert = =
usage: ./ [-h][-d][-l tag][-s sec][-cc CC][-i title][-v title][-o loc][-r res][-a action][-b border][-wxh WxH]
h ... this usage help
d ... verbose/debug output to stdout (overrides log setting)
l tag ... log output to logger with tag (default yr.disp)
s sec ... show meteogram for time sec (default 30)
cc CC ... translate to language CC (default SK), empty is EN (no translation)
i title ... html title (default meteogram), result is in html format if title is provided, otherwise in svg format
v title ... iptv player title (default mpv)
o loc ... location id in the format 2-12345 (default 2-3061186)
r res ... result file (default /tmp/meteogram.html)
a action ... execute actions (default meteogram viewer refresh sleep iptv)
meteogram - call script to retrieve svg/html
wget - force cache refresh even within expiry period
svg - force regeneration of meteogram
viewer - execute viewer if not running and bring it to front
refresh - force viewer refresh
sleep - sleep (display meteogram)
iptv - bring iptv player to front
refresh - force refresh browser window
b border ... border size (graphics will be smaller by border)
wxh WxH ... browser/viewer width W x height H (default 1920x1080)
Required: pkg: wmctrl xautomation; script:
This functionality is used in IPTV project mpv-wifi-rc (mpv wifi remote control).
TDE (KDE 3 based) Desktop Wallpaper config supports user program to render wallpaper. This feature is utilised by this BASH script to dynamically render meteogram on the Desktop Wallpaper. This offers the user quick access to detailed weather forecast for the next 48 hours. Position and size of the meteogram are configurable.
$ bin/ -h
= generate desktop wallpaper png image with actual weather meteogram from = (c) 2021.11.03 by Robert = =
usage: ./ [-h][-d][-l tag][-cc CC][-bg image][-m margin][-b border] -x width -y height -o loc -r res
h ... this usage help
d ... verbose/debug output to stdout (overrides log setting)
l tag ... log output to logger with tag (default meteo-wallpaper)
cc CC ... translate to language CC (default is SK)
bg image ... optional background image (default background-color: black)
m margin ... css margin to position svg meteogram on html page (default 0 0 743 440)
b border ... optional border around meteogram (default 3px solid cyan)
x width ... x-size (width in pixels, default 1280)
y height ... y-size (height in pixels, default 1024)
o loc ... location id in the format 2-12345 (default 2-3061186)
r res ... result desktop wallpaper (png) file
Required: pkg: cutycapt; script: [meteogram-CC.sed]
Default position of meteogram in the right-top corner on Trinity crystal_fire wallpaper:
> ./ -x 1280 -y 1024 -bg /opt/trinity/share/wallpapers/crystal_fire.png -r /tmp/test.png
Position of meteogram in the right-bottom corner on Trinity crystal_fire wallpaper:
> ./ -x 1280 -y 1024 -bg /opt/trinity/share/wallpapers/crystal_fire.png -m '600 0 0 200' -r /tmp/test.png
Default position of meteogram on black background for for Toronto, CA
> ./ -x 1280 -y 1024 -bg black -loc '2-6167865' -r /tmp/test.png
Command for Trinity / Desktop / Advanced settings:
> ./ -x %x -y %y -loc '2-6167865' -bg /opt/trinity/share/wallpapers/crystal_fire.png -r %f
To configure live meteogram for Trinity TDE wallpaper go to Trinity-Control-Center and select No-picture for Background:
Proceed to Advanced-Options and click Add Background Program:
Name and Comment have just informational value. Enter everything into the Command field. Shell expansions work here, so for example home dir ~ get expanded correctly. TDE provides parameters %x (width), %y (height) and %f (result = generated wallpaper in png format). Leave Preview empty and enter anything into the Executable field. This is some TDE quirk as this field is completely ignored but must not be left empty, so enter anything. Keep refresh time 60 min to not abuse Data-access-and-terms-of-service.
After clicking OK you should get something like this:
Click OK and then Apply in Trinity Control Center - Background. The just configured background program will be immediately executed and result displayed as wallpaper on the desktop. The wallpaper will be updated periodically as configured. If wallpaper is not updated check syslog (default output goes to syslog) or execute script with the pparameters from the command line and add -v (verbose) output to stdout.
weather, forecast, meteogram, TDE, Trinity Desktop, KDE3, wallpaper