It means "protected" in Swedish.
This program was written for Cryptology lesson that's given at Pamukkale University.
- All mails are encrypted by using Stream Cipher Algorithm (CFB).
- You can simply see if mails are changed. Mail hashes are calculated by using SHA-256 algorithm crypto/sha256.
- Mails are signed by using ED25519 Algorithm. That is an automatic operation. When you signup to system, private and public keys are created. When you send a mail, the mail will be signed by using your private key. Users checks received email's signatures by checking from-user's public key.
- It supports sending secret images (Steganography). It use auyer/steganography library.
- It supports 2FA (TOTP). It use pquerna/otp library.
This project needs to Go (At least 1.14) to compile.
Download from here.
Get the repo.
go get
Set your DB.
This project needs Postgresql DB.
You need to create a database named skyddad.
Set your env file.
You need to set database information to env file.
Set .env
file to wherever you use the skyddad command or ${HOME}/.config/skyddad/.env
There is a env sample: here.
Skyddad - A mail client that keeps you safe.
main [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
mails Show all mails that were sent by the user.
send-mail Send mail to the user.
sign-up Sign up to the mail service.
spam-attack Attack to the user with spam mails.
set-2fa Sets 2fa for your account.
secret-image Get secret message from secret image.
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--help, -h show help (default: false)
skyddad sign-up
Username: <username>
Password: <password>
(✓) User was created.
Username: testing-user-1,
Password: user-1-pass,
As default 2FA is disable for the account. Users have to enable by running this command.
This command will generate a QR.
User needs to use an auth app like Google Authenticator to generate passcodes.
After activating the 2FA, the user has to enter the Passcode when he / she will take action for him / her account.
If the user has no access to the passcode (generator), the user can not user him / her account even the user knows the password.
skyddad set-2fa
Username: <username>
Password: <password>
2FA will be active for your account.
Please use this QR code to set to your Auth Client. (like authy)
████ ▄▄▄▄▄ ██ ▄█▀ ██▀▀▀ ▀▄ ▀▀▄ ▀█ ▄▄▄▄▄ ████
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CODE: 566156
2FA is activated successfully.
There is no differences. Use same commands.
User can disable 2FA, but that's is not recommend for the security reasons.
skyddad set-2fa
Username: <username>
Password: <password>
2FA is activated for this account.
What is the code: 308239
Code is valid.
Login is successful.
You are redirecting to the app.
2FA is already activated for your account.
Do you want to inactive it? [Y/N] y
2FA is inactivated successfully.
skyddad send-mail --to-user "testing-user-2" \
--body "Top secret message."
Body section would be different.
Username: <username>
Password: <password>
(✓) Mail was sent.
From: testing-user-1,
To: testing-user-2
Date: 2020-04-30 19:34:34.435383788 +0300 +03 m=+0.120306794,
Hash: f1b8a5f9377b8b77a21eb61234383d5c071aca09cdd20bacbd88dafeef6bf3a4
Signature: 4b1a105d60dfd23d56f80a0fa298452458e20b1ad3f75b77a6dd6d81f67a44057fce4c8ca8aa6b10af5381aa64297d5190f8ec480dc39b480587751f8617300f
Body: [ Encrypted ] 5795eb9b062d86a1482aa6c378f5ef1c99e26d98fba30aea99e45ab8fda34ba93c8ca1
(✓) A mail was sent to "testing-user-1" from "testing-user-2".
skyddad mails
Username: <username>
Password: <password>
To: testing-user-2
(✓) Message is not changed. Hash is same.
(✓) Message is signed by testing-user-1. That's an real signature.
From: testing-user-1,
To: testing-user-2
Date: 2020-04-30 19:34:34.435384 +0300 +03,
Hash: f1b8a5f9377b8b77a21eb61234383d5c071aca09cdd20bacbd88dafeef6bf3a4
Signature: 4b1a105d60dfd23d56f80a0fa298452458e20b1ad3f75b77a6dd6d81f67a44057fce4c8ca8aa6b10af5381aa64297d5190f8ec480dc39b480587751f8617300f
Body: [ Decrypted ] Top secret message.
(✓) "1" mails are listed for "testing-user-2" user.
skyddad send-mail --to-user "testing-user-2" \
--body "Top secret message." \
--secret-message "A message to encode to image." \
--image-path "/path/to/F.jpg" \
--passphrase "11111111111111111111111111111111"
Username: <username>
Password: <password>
(✓) Mail was sent.
From: testing-user-1,
To: testing-user-2
Date: 2020-05-03 03:29:09.338050197 +0300 +03 m=+6.320650255,
Hash: f1b8a5f9377b8b77a21eb61234383d5c071aca09cdd20bacbd88dafeef6bf3a4
Signature: 0f3137f99bb5dee5964771cbc7e69173e7a287f2ecc6f0aa061988c0d669095a4299cd8cc8b90d4689ae20eab10d68a6f14da6fd1fd57f29ac49b9b60e82480d
Body: [ Encrypted ] 57af225317b106c0af1c5e14799ad34162dbb24fba50ff0be60d83f07ae931da040011
Image: Secret image is attach to mail.
(✓) A mail was sent to "testing-user-1" from "testing-user-2".
It is same with normal mails.
If image is attached to mail,
you will see the image address and the secret message.
skyddad mails
Username: <username>
Password: <password>
To: testing-user-2
(✓) Message is not changed. Hash is same.
(✓) Message is signed by testing-user-1. That's an real signature.
From: testing-user-1,
To: testing-user-2
Date: 2020-05-03 03:32:37.894067 +0300 +03,
Hash: f1b8a5f9377b8b77a21eb61234383d5c071aca09cdd20bacbd88dafeef6bf3a4
Signature: 0f3137f99bb5dee5964771cbc7e69173e7a287f2ecc6f0aa061988c0d669095a4299cd8cc8b90d4689ae20eab10d68a6f14da6fd1fd57f29ac49b9b60e82480d
Body: [ Decrypted ] Top secret message.
Image: It containes an secret image.
Image saved at: "/path/to/secret489931897"
(✓) Message is not changed. Hash is same.
(✓) Message is signed by testing-user-1. That's an real signature.
From: testing-user-1,
To: testing-user-2
Date: 2020-05-03 03:32:27.952383 +0300 +03,
Hash: f1b8a5f9377b8b77a21eb61234383d5c071aca09cdd20bacbd88dafeef6bf3a4
Signature: 0f3137f99bb5dee5964771cbc7e69173e7a287f2ecc6f0aa061988c0d669095a4299cd8cc8b90d4689ae20eab10d68a6f14da6fd1fd57f29ac49b9b60e82480d
Body: [ Decrypted ] Top secret message.
(✓) "2" mails are listed for "testing-user-2" user.
skyddad secret-image --image-path "/path/to/secret489931897" \
--passphrase "11111111111111111111111111111111"
Secret message: A message to encode to image.
skyddad spam-attack --to-user "testing-user-2" \
--number-of-mails "5"
Username: <username>
Password: <password>
(✓) Mail was sent.
From: testing-user-1,
To: testing-user-2
Date: 2020-04-30 19:38:13.325474363 +0300 +03 m=+0.117518951,
Hash: d0c8ac4f1ab67fa73201eef453d51520a72b028c7a23676c6dbeb974ddc14e96
Signature: 07e0a7b9e57bbc91df760df2cb15ec000cb64cd2e7fb4c15b29698ef7f85b1409b737296f70ae01ef9da9b8955c208dc0567abafd4ac453414071b577559aa05
Body: [ Encrypted ] 15d0593106daf17ab7093356702ad26f8d939a21f97c7d9ff839d8299aec56945988419bcb156496f09efab36ff002aba8b5715f791a4991660facd1e02d2c95bd82cca6253ef9ef2398906c8739392c52bc32b59dfa11607ccdc97276d5c52ed28785f1198f94edce21eb1bcc39933344789c4edbed6c22f9e346228b2b2a1e494b
Body Text: Consider Consider uninstallation Our good of a it. I before my original completed from So device have its not 404
(✓) Mail was sent.
From: testing-user-1,
To: testing-user-2
Date: 2020-04-30 19:38:13.330720123 +0300 +03 m=+0.122764712,
Hash: f70c90e43f6945eb422267ad03d95b5fc1123f2c595b2e50da15f2dd199293f1
Signature: 6050cd086513f693d69f76b856911d3ecbbf1b4c52f1c00e3b4302ac5e731c482d96c2dd9b558817d03f3e8b7fac90f194c6dce708460db57359cc1094b37c03
Body: [ Encrypted ] a794b5942125968dd57108849aea3a8ceab839f7c17865216b776762879902f4f161ae3f6397608035514f3976ed07bb26eaa3fb6c77326238b01752b14a3a9b0fb547b2792d50fa9e9018e17f7cad1fc8e8253fe85d7981b76632ea125ce0a8c7fd43f337d4bcc4f5329e0d8567050c79f49bd8ee497e87969e9b9340f537559d53caa72a098c68
Body Text: the wish now original process, did You, my uninstallation Our found. luck Consider to years found. had been broken back
(✓) Mail was sent.
From: testing-user-1,
To: testing-user-2
Date: 2020-04-30 19:38:13.335537344 +0300 +03 m=+0.127581931,
Hash: 62201221fd8c5937288a4cbef185b1f1b4f1adb0b5174035a3301d5e610e1979
Signature: 2cf85768d17647635fb94ed5a12502200536570d6647650d4aa3d00e29f4c4eb6e7c4aa7c454b2828d655ef3faea19f1e4f3090d062b0d44dcd4b8253ec9df08
Body: [ Encrypted ] 38190a5e927e6c4d3ec391ae6aae54cfc41a9debe228e08444d21498b3b1f6e860e5aa1a53ac1df009ac83de89f6440689e6b83126ddb711126abce5f3d343f40f93cc5aeb73c0f9bc3163313a0ebe1145f79622b7e3d75b4d0331c8936083164cc88f1d21dd744ecef831ebf63cb7e405e0b9dab332701ae4007d3711fc3e250365ba88e997c961
Body Text: now a its So completed unregistered Consider trusted from I task before back relationship, my settings You, I to before
(✓) Mail was sent.
From: testing-user-1,
To: testing-user-2
Date: 2020-04-30 19:38:13.339615542 +0300 +03 m=+0.131660132,
Hash: e55b243174be368b35231915f2ef37ed6812c47fb217df549c494ad54022b049
Signature: c643a34a87c94b738796d767f36c6aaf8d95dc3a45d244d5005d1f0586aea47806d80d5a6ebd43378325d45e43ffafbd1f867267c122dd7edfe4e7be5253150c
Body: [ Encrypted ] c88593acb64e7f57173df8c480311c360d83c590bd997305cf852bb067cfce33b90122164ada90420ae7f93c9732288cec3be77a4e6ff8ddc992e6ff91a178e87c24d9928127666b0be67b15340b5afe6870b309f4aef77f8039074e75c0362a4eca10b6ebbb7bc66ad4a19be27b33ce1e15a4ac93d453332c9876ac55269c9ecc5acdde9e3cf3ff9de9873c6c
Body Text: forbidden have now wish luck initially visit, ended. I your to You your have forbidden forbidden had luck spamming initially
(✓) Mail was sent.
From: testing-user-1,
To: testing-user-2
Date: 2020-04-30 19:38:13.343571884 +0300 +03 m=+0.135616472,
Hash: a5402043cd8b0d4cf772e18dd30c9bcb4637f28b80d28a28ef6ec34b8291bd42
Signature: 3604a0f11094920356ee88308253852ec9b6d825a464931bff4ca0e2ace2e27835dab3013b58bcc494e8042e11e25ca3a16f9284eff6b9f1070c5113122b3e0f
Body: [ Encrypted ] 8f5804b26215c9af6841c4f7aba08b4029bf79b194e4c0cedb5449c1d13ccfdf3595f331fb69a53000365b3f6243153a1ae56accab3eb757ba6eb3fa30c86cf7835de8ddbd3a5e572c341a59c7da08ab1394a5da14861a149772612797aae0e2032aefc9338f59d7213eef61e4fb1fe8c420067e1f027b192470d0f94a
Body Text: 404 Our before in had the its years have files. had five five download in a uninstallation have already five
(✓) Spam attack has been completed. "5" mails was sent to "testing-user-2".
- Add end-to-end encryption between users.
- Add spam attack feature. (--spam-attack)
- Add hash control feature for checking if message is changed.
- Add electronic signatures for e-mails.
- Add secret image option. (Steganography)
- Add 2FA auth option. (TOTP)
- Add encryption for user passwords.