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BmxApiRuby - the Ruby gem for the Bugmark API

all calls require BASIC AUTH

This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 0.0.1
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen


Build a gem

To build the Ruby code into a gem:

gem build bmx_api_ruby.gemspec

Then either install the gem locally:

gem install ./bmx_api_ruby-1.0.0.gem

(for development, run gem install --dev ./bmx_api_ruby-1.0.0.gem to install the development dependencies)

or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.

Finally add this to the Gemfile:

gem 'bmx_api_ruby', '~> 1.0.0'

Install from Git

If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository:, then add the following in the Gemfile:

gem 'bmx_api_ruby', :git => ''

Include the Ruby code directly

Include the Ruby code directly using -I as follows:

ruby -Ilib script.rb

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:

# Load the gem
require 'bmx_api_ruby'

# Setup authorization
BmxApiRuby.configure do |config|
  # Configure HTTP basic authorization: base
  config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
  config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'

api_instance =

  #List all contracts
  result = api_instance.get_contract
  p result
rescue BmxApiRuby::ApiError => e
  puts "Exception when calling ContractApi->get_contract: #{e}"

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://localhost:3000/api/v1

Class Method HTTP request Description
BmxApiRuby::ContractApi get_contract GET /contract List all contracts
BmxApiRuby::ContractApi get_contract_uuid GET /contract/{uuid} Show contract detail
BmxApiRuby::ContractApi get_contract_uuid_amendments GET /contract/{uuid}/amendments Show contract amendments
BmxApiRuby::ContractApi get_contract_uuid_escrows GET /contract/{uuid}/escrows Show contract escrows
BmxApiRuby::ContractApi get_contract_uuid_open_offers GET /contract/{uuid}/open_offers Show contract open_offers
BmxApiRuby::ContractApi get_contract_uuid_positions GET /contract/{uuid}/positions Show contract positions
BmxApiRuby::ContractApi post_contract_contract_uuid_cancel POST /contract/{contract_uuid}/cancel Cancel contract
BmxApiRuby::ContractApi post_contract_contract_uuid_clone POST /contract/{contract_uuid}/clone Clone contract
BmxApiRuby::ContractApi post_contract_create POST /contract/create Create contract
BmxApiRuby::ContractApi post_contract_offer_uuid_cross POST /contract/{offer_uuid}/cross Cross offer
BmxApiRuby::ContractApi put_contract_uuid_resolve PUT /contract/{uuid}/resolve Resolve contract
BmxApiRuby::EventsApi get_events GET /events Return events
BmxApiRuby::EventsApi get_events_event_uuid GET /events/{event_uuid} Show event record
BmxApiRuby::EventsApi put_events PUT /events Update an event
BmxApiRuby::HostApi get_host_counts GET /host/counts counts
BmxApiRuby::HostApi get_host_info GET /host/info get host info
BmxApiRuby::HostApi get_host_next_week_ends GET /host/next_week_ends next week-ends
BmxApiRuby::HostApi get_host_ping GET /host/ping check server access
BmxApiRuby::HostApi post_host_rebuild POST /host/rebuild rebuild
BmxApiRuby::HostApi put_host_go_past_end_of_day PUT /host/go_past_end_of_day go past end-of-day
BmxApiRuby::HostApi put_host_go_past_end_of_month PUT /host/go_past_end_of_month go past end-of-month
BmxApiRuby::HostApi put_host_go_past_end_of_week PUT /host/go_past_end_of_week go past end-of-week
BmxApiRuby::HostApi put_host_increment_day_offset PUT /host/increment_day_offset increment day offset
BmxApiRuby::HostApi put_host_increment_hour_offset PUT /host/increment_hour_offset increment hour offset
BmxApiRuby::HostApi put_host_set_current_time PUT /host/set_current_time set current time
BmxApiRuby::IssuesApi get_issues GET /issues List all issue ids
BmxApiRuby::IssuesApi get_issues_detail GET /issues/detail List all issues details
BmxApiRuby::IssuesApi get_issues_issue_exid GET /issues/{issue_exid} Show detail for one issue
BmxApiRuby::IssuesApi get_issues_issue_exid_contracts GET /issues/{issue_exid}/contracts Show issue contracts
BmxApiRuby::IssuesApi get_issues_issue_exid_offers GET /issues/{issue_exid}/offers Show issue offers
BmxApiRuby::IssuesApi post_issues_exid POST /issues/{exid} Sync
BmxApiRuby::OffersApi get_offers GET /offers List all offer ids
BmxApiRuby::OffersApi get_offers_detail GET /offers/detail List all offer details
BmxApiRuby::OffersApi get_offers_uuid GET /offers/{uuid} Show details for one offer
BmxApiRuby::OffersApi post_offers_buy POST /offers/buy Create a buy offer
BmxApiRuby::OffersApi post_offers_uuid_clone POST /offers/{uuid}/clone Create a clone
BmxApiRuby::OffersApi post_offers_uuid_counter POST /offers/{uuid}/counter Create a counter-offer
BmxApiRuby::OffersApi put_offers_uuid_cancel PUT /offers/{uuid}/cancel Cancel offer
BmxApiRuby::PositionsApi get_positions GET /positions List all positions
BmxApiRuby::PositionsApi get_positions_uuid GET /positions/{uuid} Show position detail
BmxApiRuby::TrackersApi get_trackers GET /trackers List all tracker ids
BmxApiRuby::TrackersApi get_trackers_detail GET /trackers/detail List all tracker details
BmxApiRuby::TrackersApi get_trackers_uuid GET /trackers/{uuid} Show detail for one tracker
BmxApiRuby::TrackersApi post_trackers POST /trackers Create a tracker
BmxApiRuby::TrackersApi put_trackers PUT /trackers Sync a tracker
BmxApiRuby::UsersApi get_users GET /users List all user ids
BmxApiRuby::UsersApi get_users_detail GET /users/detail List all user details
BmxApiRuby::UsersApi get_users_uuid GET /users/{uuid} Show details for one user
BmxApiRuby::UsersApi post_users POST /users Create a user
BmxApiRuby::UsersApi put_users_uuid_deposit PUT /users/{uuid}/deposit Deposit funds
BmxApiRuby::UsersApi put_users_uuid_withdraw PUT /users/{uuid}/withdraw Withdraw funds

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication


Bugmark exchange - Ruby bindings






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