is a Python research toolbox for Isogeometric Analysis. Its current highlights are:
- Automatic generation of efficient matrix assembling code from a high-level, FEniCS-like description of the bilinear form. See the section "Assembling custom forms" in the Documentation as well as the convection-diffusion and Navier-Stokes examples below.
- Adaptivity via HB- and THB-spline spaces and a local multigrid solver for adaptive IgA (read the paper). See adaptive.ipynb for an example.
- Fast assembling by a black-box low-rank assembling algorithm described in this paper (or this technical report).
- Extensive support for fast tensor approximation methods for tensor product IgA.
To find out more, have a look at the Documentation and the examples below.
The notebooks
directory contains several examples of how to use pyiga
- geometry.ipynb: create and manipulate geometry functions
- solve-poisson.ipynb: solve a Poisson equation and plot the solution
- multipatch.ipynb: solve a Poisson equation in a multipatch domain
- solve-convdiff.ipynb: solve a convection-diffusion problem with random inclusions
- solve-stokes.ipynb: solve stationary Stokes flow and plot the velocity field
- solve-navier-stokes.ipynb: solve the instationary Navier-Stokes equations with a time-adaptive Rosenbrock integrator and produce an animation of the result
- adaptive.ipynb: an adaptive solve-estimate-mark-refine loop using a local multigrid solver.
- mantle-convection.ipynb: Rayleigh-Bénard convection
is compatible with Python 3.6 and higher.
Before installing, make sure you have recent versions of Numpy, Scipy and Cython installed and that your environment can compile Python extension modules. Numpy 1.14 or higher is required. If you do not have such an environment set up yet, the easiest way to get it is by installing Anaconda (this can be done without administrator privileges).
Clone this repository and execute
$ python install
in the main directory. The installation script should now compile the Cython extensions and then install the package.
If you have Intel MKL installed on your machine, be sure to install the
pyMKL package; if pyiga
detects this package, it will use the
MKL PARDISO sparse direct solver instead of the internal scipy solver
(typically SuperLU).
If you have already installed the package and want to update to the latest version, assuming that you have cloned it from Github, you can simply move to the project directory and execute
$ git pull $ python install
pyiga comes with a small test suite to test basic functionality. Depending on
your test runner of choice, move to the main directory and execute
or py.test
to run the tests.
If the test runner fails to find the Cython extensions modules (pyiga.bspline_cy
you may have to run python build_ext -i
to build them in-place.
After successful installation, you should be able to load the package. A simple example:
from pyiga import bspline, geometry, assemble
kv = bspline.make_knots(3, 0.0, 1.0, 50) # knot vector over (0,1) with degree 3 and 50 knot spans
geo = geometry.quarter_annulus() # a NURBS representation of a quarter annulus
K = assemble.stiffness((kv,kv), geo=geo) # assemble a stiffness matrix for the 2D tensor product
# B-spline basis over the quarter annulus
There is a relatively complete Documentation. Beyond that, look at the code, the unit tests, and the IPython notebooks to learn more.
Try installing/upgrading setuptools:
$ pip install --upgrade setuptools