Solving 1-D Schrodinger Equation Numerically in either Python or C++.
Please refer to this blog article for more detail explaination of the code.
A tutorial of solving 1-D Schrodinger equation. (Simple-Harmonic-Oscillator)step_potential/
A script to generate the animation that shows a wave-packet scattered by a step-potential.step_potential_cpp/step_potential_rk4.cpp
The C++ source code for simulating a wave-packet scattered by a step-potential.step_potential_cpp/
A script to generate the animation from the result of step_potential_rk4.
- Install MacPort
- Install ffmpeg (for MP4)
sudo port install ffmpeg +gpl +postproc +lame +theora +libogg +vorbis +xvid +x264 +a52 +faac +faad +dts +nonfree
- Install Miniconda
- Install Python packages
conda install numpy scipy matplotlib jupyter ipython imagemagick
conda activate
- Install Eigen
# macOS
sudo port install eigen3
# Ubuntu
sudo apt install libeigen3-dev
- Modify
with proper path to your Eigen installation. - Compile
cd step_potential_cpp
- Run and generate plots(animations)
cd step_potential_cpp
conda activate