FACTOID: a user-level FACtuality and pOlitical bIas Dataset, that contains a set of 4,150 news-spreading users with 3.3M Reddit posts in discussions on contemporary political topics, covering the time period from January 2020 to April 2021 on individual user level. You can find the dataset here.
With conda
conda env export > environment.yml
With pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
Crawl reddit posts using the ids provided in the dataset and fill the empty strings inside the dataframe.
First extract user vocabularies
python create_vocabs_per_month.py --base_dataset=../data/reddit_dataset/factoid_dataset.gzip
Then run the codes to generate
- UBERT embeddings
python user_embeddings_per_month.py --vocabs_dir='../data/user_vocabs_per_month' --base_dataset='../data/reddit_dataset/factoid_dataset.gzip'
To generate graph samples, example script. Change the parameters based on the embeddings you want to use. The argument embed_type
takes the following values ['bert', 'usr2vec', 'usr2vec_rand', 'usr2vec_liwc', 'liwc']
python source_graph_generation.py \
--gen_source_graphs=True \
--path='../data/reddit_dataset/linguistic/cosine/avg/bert_embeddings/' \
--base_dataset='../data/reddit_dataset/factoid_dataset.gzip' \
--doc_embedding_file_path='../data/embeddings/bert/' \
--embed_type='bert' \
--merge_liwc='false' \
--dim=768 \
--embed_mode='avg' |& tee ../logs/graph_generation.txt
Then after creating the graph samples, run the following to make the split
python model_dataloader.py \
--n_users=200 \
--n_train_samples=1000 \
--n_val_samples=200 \
--base_dataset='../data/reddit_dataset/factoid_dataset.gzip' \
--source_frames='../data/reddit_dataset/linguistic/cosine/avg/bert_embeddings/source' \
--sample_dir='../data/reddit_dataset/model_samples_avg/bert_embeddings/' \
--user_ids='../data/reddit_dataset/user_splits/' \
--threshold=0.8 |& tee ../logs/model_dataloader.txt
After training, validation, test samples are created, run the model using the following
python training_graph.py --patience=40 \
--run_id='bert_embeddings' \
--sample_dir='../data/reddit_dataset/model_samples_avg/bert_embeddings/' \
--result_dir='../results/' \
--checkpoint_dir='../results/checkpoints/' \
--max_epochs=50 \
--learning_rate=5e-5 \
--nheads=4 \
--dropout=0.2 \
--nhid_graph=256 \
--nhid=128 \
--users_dim=768 \
--gnn='gat' |& tee ../logs/graph_model_main.txt